“My first novel will also be disco, theater and maybe film”

by time news

Rome, 23 March (time.news)

Sergio Cammariere’s debut as a novelist will unfold well beyond the book ‘Free in the air ‘just released for Rizzoli, where he tells his life, his dream come true: from childhood and his first studies in Crotone until his arrival on the stage in Sanremo in 2003. “In addition to the book, my second solo piano album will be released in a few weeks, which will be called ‘Naked Piano’ and will contain 18 songs. Then my story will also become a theatrical show ‘I have always been free’ and maybe even a film , since Rizzoli also wanted the rights for the eventual film adaptation“, Cammariere explains to time.news.

“I was born in Crotone, in via Libertà 11A. When I was baptized, I was given the second name Libero. Sergio Libero. It was probably because my godfather was a fervent Christian Democrat and the party crusader was the crusader shield with Libertas. But I have always won freedom by myself. Me, a rebel. Me, a pacifist “, he says. the artist who has just turned 60 and has written what is a real coming-of-age novel “with the dramaturgical complicity of Cosimo Damiano Damato”.

The book is divided into 74 chapters by 324 pages “and the central part was born many years ago, about twenty, when I wanted to tell about my military service faced by an antimilitarist“:” Since the 1980s I have filmed almost all of my life and also thanks to those videos I have been able to reconstruct some moments in a vivid way, reminding me of how Sergio expressed himself many years ago “.

A book that tells the “long apprenticeship” towards the realization of his dream: “I wanted to live on music and I succeeded. I hope this book can be read, in addition to my peers who will be able to recognize themselves in that path and in the ferment of those years, even by the new generations, who perhaps need to go back to believing in commitment and tenacity, without chasing the easy success of talent and social networks, which comes as fast as it can go if it is not supported by a solid foundation of study and application, “he concludes.

In the volume there is also “a lost world, which no longer exists”: “That Crotone of the 70s which is a Fellini circus, where there are absolute characters, from my uncle Carlo who gave me Italian lessons and who was passionate about music (the only one to have a stereo system in the city) to the doctor who removed my tonsils without anesthesia as was the custom then. And then the fishermen full of the wisdom given by the sea. I also wanted to tell the wealth of a plundered South. Then, of course, there is no lack of encounters that have marked my artistic life, such as the one with Gino Paoli and Gianmarco Tognazzi, and the discoveries that changed me, such as that of being Rino Gaetano’s cousin “, explains Cammariere.

Starting from the Sixties lived in a magical and poetic South, a unique, authentic path unfolds which – in a succession of opportunities for inspiration, obstacles to overcome and fruitful encounters – leads to the formation of one of the most original, talented and sensitive artists of the our time. “This novel ends in 2003 when I am about to take the stage in Sanremo to sing ‘All that a man’. If it goes well I will write the second part, which will go from 2003 to the present day“, concludes Cammariere.

by Antonella Nesi

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