Named the colors that attract mosquitoes

by time news

There are many factors that affect how attractive people are to mosquitoes. Thanks to a recent study, it turned out that another one was added to them. It turns out that these blood-sucking insects react to the color of your clothes.

The University of Washington researchers published their findings in the journal Nature Communications. It is widely known that mosquitoes find the source of blood by the carbon dioxide that humans emit. When he was not in the test chambers, the insects ignored any colors and shades. If the researchers sprayed the gas, the mosquitoes flew towards objects that were red, orange, black, or blue. Green, blue or purple colors did not attract them.

PhD, board-certified entomologist and director of education and training at Ehrlich Pest Control Nancy Troiano suggested that when light hits human skin, regardless of its pigmentation, insects always see a reddish tint. Moreover, their visual acuity is low and they do not see clear images.

Certified entomologist Timothy Best clarified that mosquitoes find prey by three parameters – exhaled carbon dioxide, visual identification and heat receptors. He added that insects perceive light colors as a threat, since most of them die in direct sunlight. Orange, black and blue are darker colors. They are reminiscent of the shade in which mosquitoes can avoid dehydration.

Scientists have suggested that light-colored clothing can be considered as an additional means of possibly reducing bites.

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