National Congress of Wood Industries highlights new cultural vision of the sector – 2024-03-27 01:36:37

by times news cr

2024-03-27 01:36:37

The National Congress of Wood Industries was held in Bogotá, a meeting that highlighted the cultural evolution of the sector and its approach towards sustainability and integration. One of the key points of the event was a forum on the development of clusters and the breaking of stereotypes in cultural conception, based on international experiences.

During the discussions, the importance of coordination between the private sector and the Colombian government was emphasized, especially with regard to forest exploitation and natural resource management. Significant gaps were identified between the ideal vision of an articulated business and the current reality, which highlights the need for greater collaboration and coordination between all actors in the production chain.

Congress participants, representatives of various areas and sectors related to the timber industry, discussed initiatives and strategies to close these gaps. Emphasis was placed on the importance of understanding the international market and complying with demanding standards and regulations, especially in markets such as Europe.

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Forestry certification, particularly FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, was highlighted as a fundamental tool to guarantee sustainability and respect for the environment in the production of timber products. It was emphasized that this certification is not only important to access international markets, but also as a social and environmental commitment to manage forests responsibly for future generations.

Furthermore, the importance of the circular economy in the wood industry was discussed, where wood waste is used as raw material for new products, thus reducing the environmental impact of production. Collaboration with recyclers and the focus on sustainability at all stages of the production process were highlighted as key elements for a responsible and environmentally committed wood industry.

The National Congress of Wood Industries served as a platform to highlight the importance of a new cultural vision in the sector, focused on integration, sustainability and quality as key elements for its future development in line with international trends and demands. of the global market.

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