The meeting about the cleaning situation is without commitments – 2024-04-28 11:47:02

by times news cr

2024-04-28 11:47:02

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The Municipal Authority of Ioannina Municipal Employees’ Association accuses the municipal authority of discrediting the cleaning service, giving it full responsibility, following the meeting it had with the mayor of Ioannina, the general secretary of the Municipality and the deputy mayor of Cleanliness.

As stated in a press release, it was found that absolutely nothing has progressed in relation to the issues that were raised with the general secretary of the Municipality on February 8, as no agency was given an order to proceed even with the study of projects that had been carried out and in the past, such as the removal of iron objects from the construction site, which are a source of contamination.
Absolutely nothing has been done, as they note, not even in health and safety matters (training, study on personal protective equipment for female coke workers), while the payment of the workshops, which carry out the repairs of the vehicles and project machinery, has not progressed, with resulting in approximately half of the fleet not being used. At the same time, eight of the twelve new garbage trucks purchased have not been put into service to facilitate garbage collection.
“The municipal authority, while stating that it does not want ‘conflicting relations’, was negative even to answer when the 2024 night work and overtime allowances would be paid, and a half-hour’s discussion had to be preceded in order to communicate with the authorities to answer that they will be paid today! He questioned the Union’s right to meet with the mayor, he didn’t have half a word to say about the management executive who terrorized the street cleaning workers because they “called the union” to report their problems.
In summary, no commitment was given on any issue at all. For the issues that “were intended” to be resolved, there was no commitment as to when they would be resolved, for the rest there was not even a commitment that solutions would be sought”, reports the OTA Employees’ Association, commenting that “the new narrative of municipal authority for delays due to the merger of the legal entities, obviously cannot answer because the construction site – which has nothing to do with the legal entities – is being dismantled”.

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