North Korea fired another ballistic missile from train | North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s ‘incessant’ missile craving!

by time news

SEOUL: North Korea has test-fired a missile from a train to boost its strength. North Korea says it has tested a ballistic missile from a train in response to recent sanctions imposed by the US Joe Biden administration.

Shortly before the missile test, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry not only criticized the United States for imposing new sanctions on the country’s previous tests, but also warned that tough action would be taken against it if the United States pursued a “confrontational approach.”

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South Korea in shock

At the same time, the South Korean military said it was aware of two missiles fired from North Korea into the sea. This is its third missile test this month.

North Korea intensifies new missile test

It is noteworthy that North Korea has intensified new missile tests in recent months. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un intends to put pressure on his neighbors and the United States through missile tests.

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North Korea retaliated against the United States

However, North Korea says Friday’s test was aimed at testing the military’s missile capability.

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