PAHO Decalogue to protect mental health

by time news

2023-06-11 00:00:24

  • It is estimated that 5% of adults in the world suffer from depression and in some cases it can lead to fatal acts.
  • PAHO affirms that for every dollar invested in fighting depression and anxiety, four dollars are obtained in health and work capacity.
  • The application of the following tips has the objective of protecting the mental health of the general population.

A common mistake that many people and even governments make is to only pay attention to the physical health but ignore protecting the mental part. In order for comprehensive well-being to truly exist, both aspects must be covered because otherwise multiple problems are generated that can have fatal consequences.

With this in mind, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) presented the report A new agenda for mental health in the Region of the Americas. It consists of a document containing 10 recommendations to improve mental health and ensure that it is present in countries’ post-pandemic recovery strategies.

The report is based on the principles of universal health coverage, human rights, equity, non-discrimination, the empowerment of people with mental health problems and their families, and a common effort from different sectors to leverage financial resources. , knowledge and skills.

Lack of care and services

In this context, the head of the UN agency urged politicians to ensure that mental health is high on their agenda and integrated into all sectors.

“We have observed the increase in the number of suicides among older people due to depression, but also among young people due to the lack of perspectives and the inequality that we face throughout the region. Outbreaks have also taken place among indigenous populations.”

Mental health is not a private battle

Next, the president of the Commission and former vice president of Costa Rica, Epsy Campbell Barr, intervened, who referred to some outstanding aspects of the recommendations contained in the document, such as the creation of strategic alliances and associations at the national and supranational level, the inclusion of mental health in all government policies and the increase in resources allocated to it.

Other recommendations focus on promoting mental health throughout life and preventing suicide. Likewise, Campbell emphasized the importance of creating policies to guarantee the mental health of young people, address gender inequality and the consequences of intrafamily violence and hegemonic masculinities. It is also essential to combat racism and work with Afro-descendants and indigenous people to guarantee their well-being.

Campbell noted that “if we offer high-quality and accessible mental health services, we will enjoy excellent benefits: healthier people with greater resources to face difficulties, better management of emotions and extraordinary abilities to create professional, family and personal environments more harmonics”.

Campbell noted that invest in mental health It also has great economic benefits. For example, for every dollar invested in combating depression and anxiety, four dollars are gained in health and work capacity.

Holistic and inclusive approach

Finally, the co-chairman of the Commission and deputy secretary general of the Organization of American States He referred to the recommendations as a map for prioritizing mental health in the Americas in a holistic way.

“Our approach to addressing the challenges must span multiple sectors and ensure inclusion – we must engage healthcare professionals, educators, employers, social services and civil society to alleviate these impacts.”

Decalogue proposed to protect mental health

  1. Elevate mental health at the national and supranational level.
  2. Integrate mental health into all policies.
  3. Increase the quantity and improve the quality of funding for mental health.
  4. Guarantee the human rights of people with mental health problems.
  5. Promote and protect mental health throughout life.
  6. Improve and expand mental health services and care at the community level.
  7. Strengthen suicide prevention.
  8. Take a transformative approach to gender issues in favor of mental health.
  9. Address racism and racial discrimination as important determinants of mental health.
  10. Improve data and research on mental health.

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#PAHO #Decalogue #protect #mental #health

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