Pope Francis recalls that the goal of life is the encounter with God in eternity

by time news

2023-05-07 13:17:00

May 7, 2023 / 6:17 a.m.

In the Regina Coeli this Sunday, May 7, Pope Francis invited the faithful to remember where their lives are headed, even in fatigue: “Look up, towards the sky, let us remember the goal, let us think that we are called to the eternity”.

Before directing this Marian prayer for Easter time before the faithful who were listening to him from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel of the day, which recounts the last speech of Jesus before his death.

The Holy Father explained that Jesus did not leave his disciples alone, but invited them “not to be afraid” and told them “that he is going to prepare a place for them and guide them towards that goal.”

“The Lord today indicates to all of us the wonderful place to go, and, at the same time, tells us how to go, teaches us the way to go. He tells us where to go and how to go, ”he stressed.

In this sense, he pointed out that the “fear” that the disciples felt is the same that we often feel, “when we are forced to separate from someone we love.”

However, the Pope indicated that Jesus assures his disciples that they will be welcomed “forever with the warmth of an embrace” and that he will be in heaven preparing a place for them.

Later, he pointed out that these words are “a source of comfort and hope”, since “Jesus has not separated from us, but has opened the way for usanticipating our final destination: the encounter with God the Father, in whose heart there is a place for each one of us”.

In this way, the Holy Father encouraged the faithful to “remember where our life is headed when we experience fatigue, bewilderment and even failure.”

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“We must not lose sight of the goal, even if today we run the risk of forgetting it, of forgetting the final questions, the important ones: Where we go? Where do we walk? Why is it worth living? Without these questions, we only squeeze life in the present, we think that we should enjoy it as much as possible and we end up living from day to day, without an objective, without an end”, he added.

Likewise, he affirmed that Jesus also shows us the way to go. “Sometimes, especially when there are big problems to face, there is a feeling that evil is stronger, we ask ourselves: What should I do? Which way should I go? Let’s listen to Jesus’ answer: ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’”.

“Jesus himself is the way to go to live in truth and have abundant life. He is the way and, therefore, faith in him is not a ‘package of ideas’ to believe in, but a path to follow, a journey to complete, a journey with him”.

For the Holy Father, “He is the path that leads to happiness that does not perish. It is imitating him, especially with gestures of closeness and mercy towards others”.

This is, according to the Pontiff, the “compass” to reach heaven: “Love Jesus, the way, becoming signs of his love on earth.”

Lastly, Pope Francis invited the faithful to “look up towards Heaven, let us remember the goal, let us think that we are called to eternity, to meet God. And, from heaven to our hearts, let us renew today the choice of Jesus, the choice to love him and to walk behind him”.

Words behind the Regina Coeli

At the end of this prayer, Pope Francis mentioned the Association Meter and its founder, Fr. Fortunato Di Noto, “who carry out the commitment to prevent and combat violence against minors.”

The Holy Father recalled that this May 7th they celebrate the XXVII Day of Child Victims and that for 30 years they “defend children from abuse and violence.”

“I am close to you, brothers and sisters, and I accompany you with my prayers and my affection. Never get tired of being next to the victim, there is the Child Jesus waiting for you, thank you!

In addition, he addressed a special greeting to the new Swiss Guards, “to their family and friends, and to the Swiss authorities who participated in the celebrations of this meritorious Corps.”

Finally, he recalled that tomorrow, May 8, the traditional Appeal to Our Lady of the Rosary will be raised in Pompeii (Italy), “in that Shrine that Blessed Bartolo Longo wanted to dedicate to peace.”

“In this month of May, let us pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin for the gift of peace, especially for the tormented Ukraine. May the rulers of the nations listen to the desire of the peoples who suffer and want peace”, she concluded.

Next, the Gospel commenting by Pope Francis:

Reading of the holy gospel according to Saint John

Jn 14, 1-12

At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not lose peace. If you believe in God, believe in me also. In my Father’s house there are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you, because “Now I am going to prepare a place for you. When I have gone and prepared a place for you, I will come back and take you with me, so that where I am, you will also be. And you already know the way to get to the place where I am going.”

Then Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, how can we know the way?” Jesus answered him: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you also know my Father. From now on you know him and have seen him.”

Philip said to him: “Lord, show us the Father and that is enough for us.” Jesus replied: “Philip, I have been with you for so long, and you still do not know me? Whoever sees me sees the Father. Then why do you say: ‘Show us the Father’? Or do you not believe that I I am in the Father and that the Father is in me? The words that I say to you, I do not speak on my own. It is the Father, who abides in me, who does the works. Believe me: I am in the Father and the The Father is in me. If you do not give faith to me, believe it by works. I assure you: whoever believes in me will do the works that I do and will do them even greater, because I am going to the Father”.

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