Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Signs, and Jaundice as a Potential Indicator – Al-Marsad Newspaper

by time news

2023-10-29 10:18:53
Prostate Cancer: A Leading Concern for Men, Recognizing the Symptoms

The prevalence of prostate cancer among men has raised red flags in the medical community. Al-Marsad newspaper reports that prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting men. This particular cancer targets the prostate gland, which is located below the bladder.

Early detection of prostate cancer is crucial for effective treatment. Therefore, it is important to recognize the warning signs associated with this disease. The “walesonline” website indicates that the first signs of prostate cancer may include frequent urination, particularly at night, a constant need to use the toilet, difficulty urinating, fatigue, weak urine flow, and the sensation of an incomplete bladder.

Additionally, the presence of blood in the urine or semen can signify prostate cancer. However, Cancer Research UK reveals a lesser-known potential symptom: jaundice. If the whites of one’s eyes turn yellow, it may indicate that prostate cancer has spread to the liver.

Other symptoms of prostate cancer include feeling constantly tired, experiencing unexplained weight loss, and, in advanced cases, the presence of bone pain. Pain in the bones may indicate that the cancer has metastasized to the skeleton. Furthermore, if the cancer spreads to the lungs, a persistent cough may develop.

The alarming rise in prostate cancer cases necessitates raising awareness among men about the importance of regular check-ups and getting screened at the appropriate age. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery.

It is advised that individuals who experience any of the aforementioned symptoms promptly seek medical attention. Consulting with a healthcare professional is critical for accurate diagnosis and timely intervention.

As researchers and medical professionals continue to work tirelessly to combat prostate cancer, educating the public about its symptoms serves as a fundamental step in the fight against this prevalent disease. Men must prioritize their health and remain vigilant in monitoring their bodies for any potential warning signs of prostate cancer.]
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