“Putting the killer pudding sir soon” – the incident where the culprit who made the sound to the police got caught by Kulla!

by time news

Andro Sagairaj, from Muttam Pure Baby Jesus Street, Kumari District, is a hotel supervisor. His wife was Pauline Mary. One of their two children lives in Dubai with his father. Another is studying engineering in Chennai. Thus Paul Mary and his mother Therasammal lived in the house in Muttah.

Pauline also ran a sewing training company at Mary’s house. More than 25 women came here for training. In this case, Pauline Mary and her mother Therasammal were brutally murdered inside the house on the night of the 6th when the electricity supply to Paul Mary’s house was cut off and left in a pool of blood.

District S.P. to find the killer in this regard. Under the direct supervision of Harikiran Prasad, 4 special teams led by Thakkala and Kulachal DSPs were formed and the investigation was carried out. In it, police released a video of a killer using a skull near his home, telling people he knew who used the skull.

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Police arrested and interrogated some youths as cannabis smuggling was rampant in the area. There is no clue. In this case, the police interrogated each woman individually who came for sewing training. In it, a woman said, “Amalasuthan, a fisherman from Katiyapattanam, Kumari district, always follows me on a bike. I warned Paul several times and he told Paul and Mary because he did not listen.

He immediately warned him to fight. He then handed over the video taken by the woman to the police. When the police saw the video, it was revealed that Amalasudhan had a skull captured by the police on his waist. The police immediately arrested and questioned him. The investigation has revealed that he was bald-headed and had already married two women and not living with them and had hammered the backs of several other women. He has also been in abusive contact with many women.

Police arrested criminal in two woman passed away case

He also has a habit of wearing a kulla frequently. Pauline Mary, who had badly insulted him, plotted to kill him and left the electricity cut off on the night of the 6th. He also attacked and killed the noisy Therasammala with the same ironbox. He also snatched the 15-pound piece of jewelery they were wearing.

He left the skull he was wearing on his head and the iron box used in the murder in a coconut grove outside the house. The next day he stood with the villagers and the police and spoke passionately to find the killer immediately. He also told police that the killings must have been carried out by cannabis gangs to divert attention. And he has been wandering around the city without hiding his head so as not to arouse any suspicion. He also gave the jewelry to two women who were in illicit contact with him.

Knowing all this, the police arrested Amalasudhan and imprisoned him.

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