Recognizing the Warning Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Guide for Healthy Living

by time news

2023-08-13 11:32:23
If chronic kidney disease goes unnoticed, it can have fatal consequences. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the few warning signs and typical symptoms associated with the disease.

The kidneys play a vital role in removing toxins and end products of metabolism from the blood, as well as regulating the salt and water balance in the body through urinary excretion. However, chronic kidney disease often progresses slowly and can go unnoticed for a long time, making it a silent and insidious danger. Nonetheless, there are a few warning signs that individuals should be aware of.

Flank pain is one of the few warning signs of kidney disease. This pain originates from the back and typically moves forward into the lower abdomen. It may be caused by kidney stones or a urinary tract infection. Individuals experiencing flank pain should have their kidneys examined by a doctor.

Burning sensation during urination is another warning sign of kidney disease. This symptom is most severe after the last drop of urine and can also be caused by a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. It is important to consult a doctor if this symptom occurs.

Foamy urine is a sign that the kidneys are no longer functioning properly. Diseased kidneys are unable to retain protein, resulting in protein entering the urine. This causes the urine to foam during urination. Additionally, there is a lack of protein in the blood. Individuals experiencing foamy urine should seek medical advice.

Swelling in the eyes and lower legs can indicate kidney disease. While swollen ankles may be normal with age, individuals with diseased kidneys may experience edema in the eyes (eyelid edema) in the morning and on both lower legs. If these symptoms are present, a medical examination may be necessary.

High blood pressure is another warning sign of kidney disease. The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure by controlling hormone secretion. In diseased kidneys, this mechanism malfunctions, leading to persistent high blood pressure.

Muscle weakness, tiredness, and loss of appetite are signs that kidney disease is already advanced. These symptoms are triggered by the accumulation of toxins that are no longer properly excreted by the diseased kidneys.

If signs of kidney disease are recognized early, it is possible to avoid serious secondary diseases such as heart attacks or strokes. Recognizing the warning signs allows for timely intervention and appropriate medical care.

Furthermore, with advanced kidney disease, more symptoms appear as a result of changes in the bone and mineral balance, lack of erythropoietin release, and blood acidification. However, dialysis treatment can help remove toxins and restore balance in the body.

It is essential to note that this article provides general information about kidney disease and is not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment, or medication. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized advice.]
#signs #point #silent #danger

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