Russia plans to take over Belarus by 2030

by time news

A Russian presidential document released by a group of journalists reveals that, similar to the Nazi annexation of Austria, Russia plans to annex Belarus. A move that, if it happens, will give direct access from Russia to Lithuania and Poland, without the need to pass through another country

Russia plans to annex neighboring Belarus by 2030, according to a leaked document from Russia’s presidential administration. Obtained and reported by an international association of journalists from news organizations, the document, which reportedly dates from the summer of 2021, outlines a plan to infiltrate Belarus politically, economically and militarily.

The plans were set at different stages: short term or until 2022, medium term or until 2025 and long term, i.e. 2030, if this happens, it will be similar to the annexation done by the Nazis to Austria at the beginning of World War II. The long-term plan translates into the establishment of a common “Union State” under Russian leadership.

The two countries are already officially part of the so-called “Union State”, according to an agreement from 1999. The agreement establishes a legal basis for the integration between the two countries. However, media outlets that have obtained the document in question report that Russia’s plans involve annexing Belarus by 2030.

The 17-page document, titled “Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation in Belarus,” talks about pushing back Western influence in the region and fighting against NATO. If such a plan ever materializes, Russia would become immediate neighbors with Lithuania and Poland, two NATO members, and the European Union.

Belarus was once part of the former Soviet Union and maintained its strong ties with Russia after the union’s collapse thanks to the policies of Alexander Lukashenko, who has been the country’s head since 1994.

The country’s last elections in 2020 ended with the arrest of opposition candidates and violent nationwide protests, after Lukashenko declared himself the winner. Thousands were arrested in the protests that followed. The United States and the European Union responded by no longer recognizing Lukashenko as the country’s president, Europe and the West calling the elections “stolen and fake”.

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