Social leasing: behind the craze, dealers in the fog

by time news

2024-01-22 12:18:00

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In the concessions, the “eligible” and the curious jostle one another. “We record up to 60% more traffic on weekends,” underlines a representative of the distributor sector. “The rule is first come, first served,” says Gilles, worried, in front of the Stellantis Peugeot-Citroën window on Boulevard de Grenelle, in Paris (15th century). Indeed. There will not be for everyone. To limit the number of disappointed people, the government is “working” with car manufacturers “to see if we can make 30,000, 35,000, 40,000 vehicles” rather than 25,000 as initially planned, announced Christophe Béchu, the Minister of Ecological Transition, at the end of the week.

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