Stomach problem? See foods that can be harmful and you didn’t know

by time news

2023-12-03 04:00:13

Gastritis, reflux or even ulcers — there are many problems and pains and discomforts that can affect the stomach. Therefore, to alleviate symptoms, doctors prescribe that certain foods be avoided so as not to provoke an already irritated organ. This includes foods that may be healthy but, due to circumstances, may be better off the plate. See below which foods are not recommended for those with stomach problems: Full-fat dairy products: According to nutritionist Natalia Barros, from NB Clinic, in some cases, full-fat dairy products, with a higher fat content, such as some cheeses, can be difficult to digest, causing stomach discomfort and irritation to the lining of the organChocolates: Chocolate contains caffeine, which can relax the valve that prevents acid reflux, and is not recommended for those with gastroesophageal reflux. “Chocolate with 80% cocoa may be a more tolerable option for some people, as it has less sugar and fat than milk chocolate. But it still has caffeine and theobromine, which contribute to reflux in some people. If you have problems stomach, it is advisable to consume in moderation and observe how your body reacts”, advises the nutritionist. Alcoholic drinks: The FBG (Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology) claims that excessive alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of gastritis. Such drinks damage the gastric mucosa, aggravating stomach problems, such as ulcersFried, processed and fatty foods: That French fries or ham for breakfast can be difficult to digest, contributing to stomach irritation and aggravating gastrointestinal problemsCoffee and black tea: Drinks rich in caffeine, such as coffee and black tea, stimulate the production of gastric juice, the acid responsible for digestion. The production of this acid in excess can irritate the stomach mucosa, contributing to the emergence or worsening of problems in the organ. Soft drinks and carbonated drinks: This type of drink can cause abdominal distension and increase pressure in the stomach, contributing to acid reflux. This also includes sparkling waterSpicy foods: Spicy and spicy foods or seasonings, such as peppers, can increase stomach acidity, triggering discomfort in those with stomach sensitivity. “Small amounts of pepper, including black pepper, may be tolerated by people with stomach issues. However, it is important to consult a dietitian for specific guidance based on individual diagnosis and condition. Some people may be more sensitive to pepper, while others can tolerate it in moderation”, warns Natalia Citrus foods: Acidic fruits are contraindicated for those suffering from ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux, as they can irritate the stomach. FBG lists orange, tomato, pineapple and lemon on this list.
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