Symptoms of Children with Diabetes: Type 1 vs Type 2, Acanthosis Nigricans, and Prevention Guidelines

by time news

2024-02-01 03:22:30

Symptoms of children with diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes are caused by high sugar levels in the blood. Sugar then leaks out into the urine. along with makingurinating a lotBecause sugar brings out water, some children haveBedwettingEven though it had already disappeared When the body loses a lot of water, it causes abnormal thirst. And even though there is a high level of sugar in the blood, the body lacks insulin. Therefore, using sugar for energy does not createSymptoms: fatigue, eating well, often hungry, but weight loss And if not diagnosed and treated, it will causeThe blood is acidic and contains ketones. This is called DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), which is an emergency that requires immediate treatment. The child will have symptomsVomiting, stomach pain, deep breathing, breath that smells like fruit from ketones. If it is severe, you may lose consciousness or coma. These symptoms are found in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

But type 2 diabetes is often found in children and teenagers.Obese or overweight Symptoms usually begin during puberty. About 50-75 percent of patients will have a parent with type 2 diabetes. Almost 90 percent of patients will have a close relative with type 2 diabetes. which aside from obesity Pediatric patients with type 2 diabetes oftenThere were thick black patches on the neck, armpits, and groin that couldn’t be scrubbed off. Some people may also have fungal infections, such as on the vagina or skin. Most often do not notice that children lose weight. In addition, there are some patients who do not yet have symptoms. But it was discovered through a general health examination or coming to consult a doctor about obesity and the doctor did a blood test and found high sugar in the blood. In addition, in obese children with type 2 diabetes, other system abnormalities may also occur, such as high blood pressure High fat in the blood, snoring, joint pain, fatty liver. Irregular menstruation etc.

Get to know Acanthosis Nigricans, a condition in which the skin turns darker and the skin becomes thicker than normal.

Acanthosis Nigricans is a condition in which the skin, especially the neck, armpits, and groin, turns dark and the skin becomes thicker than normal. It mostly occurs in obese people. and people with high levels of insulin in the body or at risk of having diabetes or are currently suffering from diabetes

Acanthosis Nigricans is often found in people with type 2 diabetes who have a lot of insulin, causing skin cells to grow more stimulated. and is also found in some people caused byTaking medicine to treat thyroid disease corticosteroid medicine Medicines that help reduce side effects from chemotherapy, growth hormone, and high amounts of vitamin B3. Or it may be caused by some types of cancer, such as Lymphoma Stomach cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer As for other risk factors that may trigger these dark circles, they include obesity, genetics, and ethnicity. Let’s just say that if anyone has dark circles like this, Better go consult a doctor.

The difference between “Diabetes in children” and “Diabetes in adults”

Diabetes in children and teenagers is similar to diabetes in adults. But there are differences as follows:

  • type of diabetes Most of the diabetes found in children is type 1 diabetes, but in adults it is more common to find type 2. However, nowadays, type 2 diabetes is increasingly being found in children. which is directly related to the increase in the number of obese children found
  • Maintenance Because children and teenagers are still growing. And the period of adolescence is a time when there are many changes, including emotional and physical changes. and various hormones, including still being in school There are people around you who need to be involved in taking care of it. Whether it is family, teachers, and friends, as well as medical personnel in various fields, therefore, caring for pediatric patients is very complicated.
  • duration of diabetes If you started having diabetes when you were a child The chance of encountering complications in the future is increased. Especially those who cannot control their blood sugar levels well.

Guidelines for preventing diabetes in children

Type 1 diabetes in children cannot be prevented. Because it is a disease caused by an impaired immune system in the body (Autoimmune), that is, your own immune system destroys the pancreas, which is called Beta Cells (beta cells) that produce insulin. similar to autoimmune And in type 2 diabetes, it cannot be cured but it can be prevented. The causes are not the same as type 1 diabetes as mentioned above.

For guidelines for preventing type 2 diabetes. namely

1. Change your consumption behavior by controlling your diet and not eating sweet, fatty, and salty foods.

2. Exercise that results in a reduction in body weight Insulin resistance decreased This reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

However, Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation) It is stated that some Thai children have an unbalanced condition, including their bodies, development, and lifestyle habits. which affects growth and health in the future, therefore, promoting health from childhood is important The main components include physical activity, eating, and sleeping adequately and with quality. All three of these things are related in some form. “Balanced Triangle”

1. Running (Physical Activity) At least 60 minutes per day of moderate or moderate physical activity/exercise.

2. Eat well (HealthyEating) According to the proportion of healthy food dishes + (water, add fresh milk and fruit)

3. Get enough sleep (Sleep Hygiene) 9-12 hours per day +Go to bed early (around 9 p.m.)

#Black #patch #neck #dander #warning #sign #Diabetes #Children

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