Terrorist and friend of the narcos, but Luca Ventre was just a boy who was strangled

by time news

“Terrorist”, “addict”, “violent”, “no good”, “friend of narcos”, on Luca Ventre everything has been said, except the truth, which has finally emerged today: Luca Ventre died of asphyxiation from strangulation. He has no doubts Giulio Sacchetti, the medical consultant appointed by the deputy prosecutor of the Court of Rome, Sergio Colaiocco, to ascertain “by means of an autopsy examination, the time of causes and means of the death of Luca Ventre and anything else useful for the purposes of justice”. A justice that now seemed lost in Uruguay, a Montevideo, where Luca Ventre lived and is been killed. On the morning of January 1, 2021, the thirty-five-year-old had entered the courtyard of the Italian embassy to seek help in unclear circumstances and was held there by the neck for about twenty minutes by an Uruguayan policeman. An Uruguayan policeman who was not supposed to be there, in one place, the embassy, ​​who should give protection, not kill their citizens abroad.

Fanpage.it could to read the 48 pages of the report filed on May 19 by Dr. Sacchetti and the picture that emerges is an attempt of misdirection repeated by the Uruguayan authorities with the complicity of the doctors, one above all, Dr. Natalia Bazàn Hernàndez, the forensic doctor who requested to perform two autopsies by order of the Montevideo prosecutor, slowing down the investigations, delaying the repatriation of the body to Italy and compromising the Italian autopsy work, because, as Sacchetti himself writes, “in the context of a corpse already subjected to autopsy – buried, exhumed, encased and subjected to rough conservative treatment by pouring liquid formalin on the corpse and on the wadding that covered it” is extremely difficult to operate. Nonetheless, the errors, the “oversights” and the evidences leave no doubt.

The “oversights” of the Uruguayan coroner

Twenty minutes passed with one arm pressed to the neck, two autopsies, yet the organs of the neck were not dissected. This dissection was promptly performed in Italy. And as Dr. Sacchetti points out with a touch of irony on page 44 of his report:

The official version, although denied by a nurse from the Hospital de la Clinica reached by telephone by Fanpage.it as early as February, spoke of cardiac arrest due to a cardiac arrest triggered by the mix of Midazolam and Haloperidol administered in the emergency room and injected on the side left neck. This version was confirmed by Dr. Hernàndez, who traced the main cause of the bruises on the neck to the aforementioned punctures. And he underlined how death most likely occurred due to the cocaine taken by Luca Ventre, in the throes of “agitated delirium”. Version readily denied: no signs of acupuncture on the left side.

On the neck the signs of strangulation already after his death

“All the elements that emerged from our investigation allow us to state with absolute certainty that the prolonged constriction of the neck, exerted with considerable force, must have caused a marked compression of the airways, mainly at the laryngeal-tracheal level, considerably reducing the passage of the air, resulting in cerebral hypoxia “, Dr. Sacchetti. And to notice it it was enough to look at the photos taken in the morgue in the aftermath of death.

“Drogato”, by Luca Ventre it was said that he was just a drug addict

Thus the responsibility for death was attributed to cocaine, without ever verifying even the traces in the body. A carelessness that “arouses wonder”:

“All the elements that emerged from our investigation allow us to state with absolute certainty that the prolonged constriction of the neck, exerted with considerable force, must have caused a marked compression of the airways, mainly at the laryngeal-tracheal level, considerably reducing the passage of air “writes Dr. Sacchetti in the conclusions. And that” this condition, associated with the cocaine affects that the subject had certainly taken, must have triggered the psychomotor agitation which, in turn, it could have had a causal incidence in the determinism of the death of the Belly, which, it should be repeated, it was mainly caused by a mechanical, violent and external asphyxiation, attributable to the prolonged constricting maneuvers exerted with considerable force on the subject’s neck. “The truth is that Luca Ventre died after being strangled and that he leaves behind a girl of less than 10 months. A truth for which the Ventre family fought hard, by all means, alone. “Now let’s play our cards, let’s see if Italy will decide to be on the side of truth and justice or will continue to turn away even now in the face of scientific evidence and evidence that leaves no doubt”, says the brother. Fabrizio Ventre.

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