Kapan “Gandzasar” left for Antalya today to hold the first training camp of this year. However, on the very first day, our team had problems. The point is that, as reported by the Azerbaijani media, the Azerbaijani “Simurg” team also stayed in the same hotel. The management of the latter appealed to the management of “Limak Atlantis” hotel, demanding to remove “Gandzasar” from the hotel. “Simurg” threatened that if their demands are not met, they will leave without paying.
However, the Armenian side does not respond to what happened in any way, although “Gandzasar” does not like such a neighborhood either. There were no clashes between the representatives of the teams, but the accommodation of the Azerbaijani and Armenian teams in the same hotel causes additional tension and prevents the normal training session.
“It is unclear what the management of the hotel thought when they accepted the teams of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the same time frame,” said the representative of “Simurgi”.
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