The Cooperative Movement in Kuwait turns sixty years old

by time news

The Hakarana movement in Kuwait completes sixty years. The co-operative movement, which plays a crucial role in the development of the country’s economy, was started on August 6, 1962. Union of Consumer Co-operative Societies Director Abdul Aziz Aad said elaborate celebrations have been planned as part of the 60th anniversary.

It was during the reign of Emir Sheikh Abdullah Al Salim Assabah that the legislation that paved the way for the formation of consumer cooperatives took place.

Jamias came into being through the Amiri decree dated 6th August 1962. Kuwait has one of the most systematic cooperative movements in the world today. Communities play a major role in ensuring availability and price stability of basic products and services across the country.

Abdul Aziz Al Saad, head of the Union of Cooperative Societies, said that the cooperative movement in Kuwait has been able to create an excellent example of cooperation in the GCC and Arab regions.

The communities have been able to strengthen the country in the field of employment and economy. During the occupation of 1990 and during the covid crisis, the role of communities in ensuring food security is not small. Each region is led by a governing body elected by the local residents. All cooperatives, though independent, work as part of the Union of Consumer Cooperative Societies. Kuwait Cooperative Union is also a member of International Cooperative Alliance and Arab Cooperative Union.

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