The Minister of Finance stresses the need to adhere to timetables to achieve economic reforms

by times news cr

Baghdad – IA
Today, Thursday, Finance Minister Taif Sami Muhammad stressed the need to adhere to timetables to achieve economic reforms.

A statement from the ministry – received by the (INA) – stated that “Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Muhammad, chaired a meeting to follow up on the implementation of the provisions of the government program related to financial, economic and digital affairs, where she reviewed the latest developments in the plans and procedures adopted by the government to achieve economic and financial reforms and discussed the challenges facing the implementation.” “Program”.
The Minister stressed – according to the statement – “the importance of adhering to the specified timetables and achieving the desired goals in enhancing economic stability.”
The statement added, “The meeting touched on the most prominent economic and financial indicators, and the results of the reforms completed so far were reviewed, in addition to discussing ways to accelerate the pace of reform in vital sectors. Sami stressed the necessity of cooperation between all parties to achieve sustainable development and improve the standard of living for citizens.”
The statement concluded, “The Minister urged the concerned authorities to continue working hard and intensifying efforts to ensure the success of the reform program and achieve sustainable economic growth.”

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