The most effective supplements for a normal lifestyle

by time news

There are so many supplements on the market that you can no longer see the forest for the trees. Which supplements are really the best for your health? And which are the most effective? Anyone who lives a healthy life, is fit and consumes a varied diet, in principle, does not need supplements. In our daily busy lives, however, it is sometimes difficult to maintain a healthy and varied diet. Then your body benefits from an extra dose of vitamins or minerals.

Food supplements always serve as a supplement to a healthy diet. But which one do you choose best? We list them for you.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps keep bones and teeth strong, we need it to get calcium from our diet. It also influences the functioning of our muscle and brain functions and contributes to the production of cells and tissues. Under the influence of sunlight, our body makes its own vitamin D in the skin. The sun power must be at least 3 for this. During a large part of the year (autumn, winter, spring) sunlight in the Netherlands is too weak to produce vitamin D. That is why it is wise to take extra vitamin D in the form of supplements. People with dark skin and older people are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency. This can cause unpleasant complaints, such as weak bones, muscle and joint pain, depression, tooth and gum problems and an energy deficiency. Vitamin D is also essential for the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. You can find vitamin D in foods such as oily fish, butter, some mushrooms and eggs. Here you will find more information about vitamin D.

Vitamine B12

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells. These blood cells transport the oxygen in your blood and ensure an optimal energy level. Vitamin B12 is also indispensable for proper functioning of the nervous and gastro-intestinal system. You can only find vitamin B12 in animal products, such as dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and milk. It is especially important for vegetarians, vegans and people with a one-sided diet to take vitamin B12 supplements. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can be noticed, for example, in complaints such as palpitations, fatigue, tingling in the fingers and toes, dizziness, memory loss, muscle weakness in the legs and coordination disorders.

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids that protect against cardiovascular disease and ensure proper blood pressure. It is important for brain and vision development of children. You can find omega 3 naturally in green leafy vegetables, cabbages, fish, crustaceans and shellfish, linseed oil, canola oil, walnuts and soybean oil. A deficiency of omega 3 can be recognized by thirst, urinating a lot, skin problems, less sharp vision, weak muscles and inflammation. Psychological problems can also occur, such as forgetfulness, concentration problems and mood swings. A deficiency can occur due to a one-sided diet or a lack of intake of the right nutrients. Omega 3 supplements can support you in this.

Vitamin C

One of the best known vitamins: vitamin C. It is an antioxidant that is involved in the absorption of iron, the maintenance of your immune system and the formation of connective tissue. It is an indispensable vitamin for your body and protects your body cells from external damage. You can find vitamin C in several fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes, berries, strawberries, citrus fruits and kiwis. Eating too few fruits and vegetables can lead to a vitamin C deficiency. The elderly, smokers and people who experience a lot of stress in particular have an increased risk of a vitamin C deficiency. You can then suffer from delayed wound healing, internal bleeding, reduced resistance and bleeding from the gums.

Fitter, more energetic and healthier

The use of dietary supplements is in no way a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and varied diet. If you get enough different nutrients through your diet, you eat a varied diet and get enough exercise, you do not always need a supplement. It is advisable to take extra vitamins and minerals to feel fitter, more energetic and healthier. Vegetarians, vegans, pregnant women, young children and the elderly can also benefit from taking additional nutritional supplements.

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