They design biobots to treat and cure diseases

by time news

2023-11-30 21:00:05

Scientists of the Tufts University and of Wyss Institute at Harvard University (USA) have created tiny biological robots called Anthrobots from human tracheal cells. These multicellular robots, similar in size to a human hair, have the ability to move and have been shown to promote the growth of neurons in damaged areas in a laboratory dish.

The Anthrobots, which range in size from the width of a human hair to the tip of a sharp pencil, were made to self-assemble and were shown to have a notable healing effect on other cells.

This discovery is a starting point for researchers’ vision of using patient-derived biobots as new therapeutic tools for regeneration, healing and treating diseases.

The work follows previous research in which multicellular biological robots were created from frog embryo cells called Xenobotscapable of navigating, gathering material, recording information, healing from injuries, and even replicating themselves.

In this study, researchers discovered that Anthrobots can be created from adult human cells without genetic modification, demonstrating some capabilities beyond those seen with Xenobots.

Los Anthrobots, derived from human tracheal cells, self-assemble and have the ability to move on a surface of human neurons, promoting growth in damaged areas. Although it is not clear how they promote the growth of neurons, the researchers confirmed that the neurons grew in the area covered by a group of Anthrobots called “superbot.”

The advantages of using human cells include the possibility of building biobots at from the patient’s own cells to apply treatments without the risk of triggering an immune response.

Anthrobots only last a few weeks before breaking down, so they can be easily reabsorbed by the body after completing their task. Outside the body, they can only survive under specific laboratory conditions without risk of exposure or unwanted spread. Besides, they do not reproduce and do not have genetic edits, which guarantees its safety.

An addition of Anthrobots, or superbot (green), stimulates the growth of neurons (red) where they had been mechanically removed. Gizem Gumuskaya, Tufts University

Each Anthrobot begins as a single cell derived from an adult donor, covered with hair-like projections called cilia. These cilia, which normally help tracheal cells expel particles, were used for the cells to create multicellular organoids. After encouraging the cilia to face outward on the organoids, the Anthrobots began to move, propelled by the cilia like oars.

The team classified the different types of Anthrobots produced, and observed that they grouped into discrete categories of shape and movement, filling an important niche between nanotechnology and larger devices.


As for its future applications, the researchers list a few: clearing plaques in the arteries, repairing damage to the spinal cord or retinal nerves, recognizing bacteria or cancer cells, or delivering drugs to specific tissues.

Additionally, they could help in tissue healing and deposit pro-regenerative medications.

The inherent ability of cells to self-assemble and create new structures offers valuable insight into how natural body plans are assembled and how they can be restored with regenerative treatments.

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