They give strength and heart for Mexico new encouragement to Xóchitl Gálvez’s campaign

by times news cr

2024-04-20 16:23:16

In order to standardize the message and propaganda, the presidential candidate of the Force and Heart coalition for Mexico, Xochitl Galvez and the national leaders of the parties it supports, PAN, PRI and PRD, held a meeting this morning virtual meeting with the leaders of the three parties throughout the country in which they planned the strategy Heading into the second half of the campaign.

Before the start of the campaigns to renew governorships, municipal presidencies and local deputies, Jesús Zambrano, national leader of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), declared that the meeting was to “better coordinate our activities in this second half of the campaign, since All local campaigns were started and to also standardize communication and make it more efficient so that we all move along the same line.”

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In this way, starting in the next few days it will be possible to see in all the states of the country, a campaign in which local candidates appear alongside the presidential standard bearer Xóchitl Gálvez in the billboards and in their messages.

According to the PRD leader, the campaign of engineer Gálvez Ruiz “is having a new very important moment that we are experiencing even seeing and perceiving in the states and on tours. We have noticed things that need to be improved and we need to pay attention to them so that we can move forward in a better way.”

He said that the idea is to standardize the message, that all candidates, women and men in the states, incorporate the presidential candidate’s proposals into their message “because then the candidates for municipal presidencies, local deputies, become absorbed and fall into the temptation of that the only campaign is their campaign.”

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In this regard, the national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés, said on his social networks that “it is halfway through the campaign and it is time to join forces, to do equal promotion, so that from the local level we can bring Xóchitl Gálvez to the presidency.” .

While the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, reported on his social networks that they are “working together, joining forces to rescue Mexico from every corner of the country.”


2024-04-20 16:23:16

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