Types of orthodontics for a perfect smile

by time news

2023-11-20 11:16:00

And that is why you will find in a Dental clinic in Barcelona a range of options so you can achieve the beauty of a healthy smile.

The constant evolution of orthodontics has given rise to various types of orthodontic treatments, each designed to address specific needs and meet the most demanding expectations. Whether opting for traditional braces, Invisalign or other options, the key is taking the step toward optimal dental health and a radiant smile.

The advantages of orthodontics

The main advantage of performing orthodontic treatment is achieving proper dental alignment, which not only improves the aesthetics of the smile, but also contributes significantly to overall oral health.

Orthodontics corrects problems such as malocclusions, crowding, and dental malpositions, which can prevent long-term complications such as premature tooth loss, temporomandibular joint problems, and oral hygiene difficulties. Additionally, the treatment can increase the patient’s confidence and self-esteem by providing a more harmonious and attractive smile.

Types of orthodontics

When starting treatment orthodontics in Barcelonain addition to find cutting-edge orthodontic optionsyou will have highly qualified professionals who work hand in hand with patients to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Each patient has specific needs that must be taken into account and, for example, treatment is not the same for children as for adults. For the little ones, early orthodontics is vital to correct developing problems. Specialists must evaluate and recommend treatments adapted to the needs of the little ones and that also adapt to their routines.

On the other hand, mMany adults choose to correct dental problems that persist since childhood or that develop over time. Their needs are different than those of the little ones in the house and the choice of the type of orthodontics must adapt to their routines and lifestyles.

Traditional braces, Invisalign and lingual braces represent different approaches to orthodontics. The choice depends on aesthetic preferences and specific needs of each patient.

Traditional Braces

This classic method involves the use of metal brackets attached to each tooth and connected by wires. Although they are aesthetically noticeable, advances in design have made them smaller and more comfortable. Additionally, they are effective for a variety of cases.

Its main advantage is its affordability and effectiveness in more complex cases.


Invisible orthodontics has gained popularity in recent years. Use custom clear aligners to gradually correct the position of your teeth. This approach is ideal for those who want a discreet and removable option.

The aligners used during the treatment are transparent and removable, ideal for those seeking discretion and comfort. Among its main advantages, Invisalign stands out for its aesthetics and ease of cleaning.

Lingual Orthodontics

Similar to traditional braces, this technique places the brackets on the back of the teeth, making them virtually invisible. It is an effective aesthetic option but may require an adaptation period.

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