What is the Difference Between Flu and a Cold? – Symptoms, Duration, and Treatment

by time news

2023-09-22 19:31:00
Every year, millions of Dutch people deal with respiratory infections such as colds and flu. These two diseases are often confused, but they are indeed different. In this article, we first explain what flu and a cold exactly are. We will then discuss the most important differences so that you can distinguish them better.

What is a cold?

A cold, also called nasopharyngitis, is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. There are hundreds of different variants of these viruses. Anyone can become infected with it, at any age. A cold often starts with sneezing, a runny nose, and throat irritation. This is followed by symptoms such as coughing, headache, and a feeling of illness. In rare cases, fever may also occur.

The complaints are the result of an inflammatory reaction in the nose, pharynx, sinuses, and airways. The incubation period of a cold, the time between infection and becoming ill, is short: one to three days. Colds are contagious from a day before the onset of symptoms until about a week afterward. The disease is highly contagious and spreads easily through coughing, sneezing, and hand contact.

A cold goes away on its own, usually within seven to ten days. There is no treatment that addresses the common cold virus. However, complaints can be relieved with painkillers and nasal sprays. Complications are rare, except in people with reduced resistance. A bacterial secondary infection can then occur, such as sinusitis, an ear infection, or pneumonia.

What is flu?

Flu is caused by the influenza virus. There are three types: influenza A, B, and C. Influenza A and B cause flu epidemics, while the C virus only causes mild symptoms. The flu virus continuously mutates, causing our built-up immunity to decrease.

Infection with the flu virus leads to sudden fever, muscle pain, headache, and general malaise. Coughing, sore throat, and loss of appetite are also common. With flu, the fever is higher than 38 degrees Celsius. The disease lasts on average one to two weeks. The incubation period of flu is one to four days. The virus spreads not only through droplets but also through the air. Flu is highly contagious: one sick person can infect an average of three others. The contagiousness starts one day before the onset of symptoms and lasts for about a week.

In healthy people, flu clears up on its own. However, there is an increased risk of complications with flu, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, middle ear infection, and, in rare cases, heart muscle inflammation. This mainly occurs in the elderly, chronically ill, and people with reduced resistance.

Every year, the RIVM has the flu vaccine adapted to the expected virus strains. Vaccination is recommended for people over 60, the chronically ill, pregnant women, and healthcare workers. Antiviral drugs are also available, but they only work if they are taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.

The differences between flu and a cold

Despite overlapping symptoms, there are clear differences between the flu and the common cold. For example, the cause is different. The common cold is caused by hundreds of different rhino and coronaviruses that circulate all year round. Flu, on the other hand, is caused by influenza A and B viruses, which peak mainly in the winter months. The onset of flu is also usually much more sudden and severe.

Flu starts acutely with a high fever above 38 degrees, muscle pain, and general malaise. With a cold, the start is milder, with a mild sore throat and sneezing as the first symptoms. Only then may a mild fever follow. The symptoms of flu are generally a lot more serious. Think of a high fever that persists, severe muscle pain, exhaustion, and sweating. With a cold, the fever usually does not occur or is at most slightly elevated. Fatigue and muscle pain are also less pronounced.

We also see differences in terms of duration. A cold usually goes away after five to ten days. Flu lasts on average one to two weeks. Coughing, in particular, can persist for a long time in both conditions due to persistent irritation of the airways.

Flu is more contagious than a cold. The flu virus spreads not only through small droplets but also through the air at greater distances. With a cold, transmission is limited to coughing, sneezing, and contact with snot and mucus. In addition, flu increases the risk of dangerous medical complications for all ages, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, and heart muscle inflammation.

This risk is much lower with a cold, except in the elderly and people with greatly reduced resistance. Treatment of flu is possible with antiviral drugs and annual vaccination. There are no such specific measures for colds. The therapy is purely aimed at combating symptoms.

In conclusion, although colds and flu share some similar symptoms, they are caused by different viruses and have distinct characteristics. Understanding these differences can help individuals better differentiate between the two illnesses and seek appropriate treatment if necessary.

Source: Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS)]
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