Who is the convicted soldier who was found dead in Providencia? – 2024-03-22 18:11:40

by times news cr

2024-03-22 18:11:40

The Homicide and Human Rights brigades of the Investigative Police (PDI) are investigating the alleged suicide of a soldier (r) convicted on March 4 by the murder of seven members of the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR).

This is Marcos Deprich, whose body was found inside a car in the calle Juan de Dios Vial Correain the Plaza Las Lilas sector, in the commune of Providencia.

Along with that, the preliminary information It is presumed that he would have taken his life inside the vehicle with a firearm.

The Oriente prosecutor, Luis Jaramillo, assured that everything points to a suicide, but this must be corroborated by the experts, which were in charge of the PDI Homicide Brigade.

Just on this day, Deprich was going to be detained to serve his sentence, but civil police officials did not find him at his home.

Operation Coal and the conviction that led to the soldier’s suicide

On March 4 of this year, the Supreme Court sentenced 15 agents of the National Information Center (CNI) within the framework of the investigation by the Operation Alpha Carbon executed in dictatorship.

That operation culminated with the killing of seven militants of the MIR August 23 and 24, 1984in Los Angeles, Concepción, Talcahuano and Valdivia.

Las murdered victims At that time they are:

  • Nelson Adrian Herrera Riveros
  • Luciano Humberto Aedo Arias
  • Mario Octavio Lagos Rodríguez
  • Mario Mujica Barros
  • Juan José Boncompte Andreu
  • Rogelio Tapia de la Puente
  • Raúl Jaime Barrientos Matamala.

Marcos Derpich, whose body was found this Monday in Providecnia, was vice director and head of the Regional division of the CNI between 1988 and 1990, and has diverse antecedents linked to human rights violations during the military dictatorship.

Within the framework of the investigation by the Operation Alpha Carbon, received a sentence five years for illicit association and others 20 years as co-author of seven crimes of qualified homicide.

The murderers They were ordered directly from the CNIafter the head of the organization in Concepción received news regarding the reorganization of MIR cells in the capital of Bío Bío.

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