9/11 Attacks: Remembering America’s September 11 Attack, How the Twin Towers Fell | 9/11 attacks that shook the world: Today is the 21st anniversary

by time news

If we turn the pages of world history, we will find many terrorist attacks that no one can forget and cannot forgive. Among them, the attack on the twin towers in the United States is the most important. This attack shocked not only America but the world. Today is the anniversary of that terrorist incident. At around 8.45 am on September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists launched an attack on the World Trade Center. The two buildings collapsed like a deck of cards in the attack. Apart from this, the terrorists attacked the Pentagon, the US defense headquarters, through a third plane. The Al-Qaeda terrorist organization claimed responsibility for this horrific incident that claimed many lives.

While 9/11 is seen as a day of great sadness, it is also seen as a day of incredible heroism and selflessness by many. Realizing that their country was in a great predicament, many emerged as real heroes. The collapse of the Twin Towers left a plume of smoke several kilometers away. The few who luckily escaped were running, not knowing where to run. But the security forces rushed towards the ruins to rescue the people trapped in the buildings. It is a sad story that many of the soldiers who rushed away did not return. It is a surprising fact that many people went knowing that they would not come!!

On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed when terrorists used commercial airliners as missiles to crash into New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Pennsylvania field. The trade center’s 110-story twin towers collapsed to the ground.

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9/11 attacks were carried out by 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists. Al-Qaeda hijacked a total of four planes. Two planes hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York. This caused the Twin Towers to burn and eventually fall to the ground. A third plane hit the Pentagon, and the fourth, Flight 93, crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Another hijacked plane, Flight 93, crashed in a field in Shanksville after passengers fought off three Al Qaeda hijackers, preventing the plane from reaching its destination.

The 9/11 terrorist attacks occupy a pivotal place in world history. The fact that terrorists could plan and carry out attacks in such a brutal way, causing maximum damage, shocked the world. This attack was a testimony to that. America changed after the 9/11 attacks. Security measures have been significantly increased there.

United States committed to destroy the Al Qaeda terrorists responsible for the attack on the Twin Towers, and launched a war against the Taliban who had sheltered the Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan.

Although many years have passed, the 9/11 attacks have left an indelible scar in the hearts of not only the American people but also the people of the world.

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