“Anyone who passes must be vaccinated”

by time news

Time.news – “I want to deepen the question of the doses thrown away. We must use common sense: if there are priority classes that can use it well”, otherwise “we go to neighboring classes or otherwise anyone who passes must be vaccinated; this must be done”. This was stated by the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, at “Che Tempo che fa”. “We must accelerate, take a change of pace – he added – to get up to speed with 500,000 vaccinations a day to ensure that by the end of September at least 80% of Italians are vaccinated”. To do this, Figliuolo summed up, “one could say more vaccines, more vaccinators, more centers where to vaccinate”. Other steps: “by the end of this month we will reach 15 million doses, in the next quarter 52 million doses are expected and the next one will be 84 million”. Of course, “there have been problems and there will be in the future, but we will balance because we will have an extra weapon which is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which is single-dose, stable and therefore easily transportable”, so “we will have in the second and third quarter about 25 million doses, which is like having 50 million compared to today’s vaccines, “which require a second dose. As for carers, “it would be criminal” not to vaccinate them, he remarked regarding cargivers, ie those who are involved in assisting disabled or elderly people in difficulty.

“Now the turning point or we’ll lose everything”

“We are now understanding – the commissioner stressed – that it is the turning point or we will lose everything: we owe it to our roots, to our elderly, 100,000 people have died. Everything is for vaccines to arrive, then when they arrive en masse all the dust will be fired: we will saturate all the sites, we will go, we will vaccinate ourselves and close the game “. For now, he added, “I ask the Italians to love all those who are giving all of themselves” to face the emergency, “I’m talking about our doctors and nurses”, then “if there are any mistakes, I tell you that we will improve “, but” I am sure that our extraordinary people will do their part, as they always have in difficult times and we will win this battle “. Finally, Figliuolo highlighted that “there has been a strong action by Draghi on the presidents of the pharmaceutical companies, I myself have heard all the managing directors”.


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