Brown, black, greenish… what the color of your stool says about your state of health

by time news

The different products produced by our body, whether functional or discarded, can provide very valuable information about our state of health. In fact, it is not surprising that diagnostic processes are often based fundamentally on analysis of these elements.

Without the need to resort to the advanced techniques that the laboratory offers us, simply a visual examination of the different substances can already give us some clues. For example, some stool colors they can be indicative of some pathologies, as indicated by the Mayo Clinic.


Los different shades of brown are considered normal in feces, varying between them depending on the food we have eaten. Thus, in principle they should not be cause for concern; however, if the consistency is abnormal or bowel habits are altered, it may be advisable to visit the doctor.


Most of the time, a greenish tint to the stool It is due to a diet rich in vegetables or to the presence of certain food colourings, with which, a priori, greenish stools are not worrisome either.

However, especially when there is no other identifiable cause and the pattern becomes recurrent, the green color of the stool may mean that food is going too fast through the digestive tract, for example due to diarrhea.

Light color, white or clay

these tones They can be the result of certain medications (so it is convenient to check if the time coincides with the taking of any treatment) or a lack of bile in the stool, for example due to an obstruction in the bile ducts. In this way, it should be a reason for consultation with a specialist.

a man peeing

Yellow, greasy consistency

Normally, the yellow color in the feces is caused by an excess of fat in the feces due to a malabsorption disorder. Often, it is a symptom of celiac disease, so it is important to see a doctor if we develop this symptom.


The black in stool It is almost always the result of either certain foods (black licorice, among others) and supplements or medications, or from bleeding in the upper GI tract. Thus, if it is persistent, it may be advisable to see a doctor.


red stools They are relatively common, and as with other shades, they can be caused by certain foods (beets, blueberries, tomato) or dyes. Other times they indicate bleeding in the lower intestinal tract, usually from hemorrhoids; However, they can be a symptom of colorectal tumors, so if the symptom is repeated it is appropriate to consult a specialist.

Picture of a colonoscopy.

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