Buy a turntable: this is how vinyl beginners find the right turntable

by time news

WIf you want to become an official member of the vinyl fans’ club, you first have to find the right turntable. Of these, 110,000 are sold again every year in this country. So that you don’t spoil your new hobby records right from the start, there are a few things to consider.

“At the beginning you should think carefully about whether you are really ready to invest in a turntable and accessories,” says vinyl blogger Viktoria Gasteiger. “Because apart from the turntable and the records there are a few other issues, without which it would not work.”

You can get a solid (entry-level) turntable for less than 200 euros, but in most cases it makes sense to invest in a higher quality model in the price range of 300 to 400 euros.

Impulse buying turntables is not a good idea

Even if many accessory products are already quite cheap today, it would still be a very large investment overall. Gasteiger would therefore advise against impulse purchases. In addition, you should also consider whether there is enough space in your own four walls for turntables and accessories before buying.

Roland Stehle from the industry association gfu also points out that it is best to go to a specialist retailer and not to a discounter. “I would advise against no-name turntables. Mechanical devices have the disadvantage that a certain quality also requires a certain price, ”says Stehle.

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In addition to the turntable itself, you usually also have to get the right accessories: “There are turntables that have both amplifiers and speakers with them, but every hi-fi fan will clap their hands over their heads with something like this”, says Stehle. Turntables with integrated preamplifiers are particularly beginner-friendly, explains Gasteiger.

If you also have to buy new amplifiers and speakers, the price of the amplifier should be based on the speakers, advises the expert. “A simple basic rule is to invest around 60 percent of the budget in the loudspeakers and 40 percent in the amplifier.”

Digitize records

Ultimately, it is a very individual question which type of turntable you want and for what purpose. “If someone is just for fun – for example because they have found old records that they would like to listen to, then they will not invest 1000 euros,” says Stehle. “But if someone does it as a hobby and locks himself in his listening room to enjoy the sound, you will spend a lot more.”

Bernd Theiss from the “Audio” specialist magazine explains that you can get a decent turntable for around 300 euros: “On the one hand, this means that the sound reproduction is neutral and free of distortion, without yowling due to fluctuations in synchronization and the like.” Also the plates should be scanned gently. An imprecisely ground, rough stylus could destroy them in the long run.

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There are also turntables with a USB output or Bluetooth that can be connected directly to a computer, says Theiss. This is advantageous for people who want to digitize their records.

“Then you can save the music from the record on a hard drive and then play it from your mobile phone soon without having to pick up the record again.”

Automatic saves record life

Sandra Schwarz from Stiftung Warentest thinks manual devices are more for experienced record users, as the tonearm is placed on the record by hand with the needle. “Moving it awkwardly can scratch the plate,” she says. “For beginners, therefore, fully automatic turntables that play the record at the push of a button are more suitable.”

Overall, the type of drive is less important, says Schwarz. “In our test, this had hardly any effect on the sound or operation of the turntable.” Users can choose between direct and belt drive. With direct drive, the motor is directly connected to the platter.

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And with a belt drive, a belt transfers the motor torque to the turntable. Only: The belt wears out at some point, so a direct drive can be more practical, at least in this regard.

Bernd Theiss also reports that direct drive turntables are always an advantage if, among other things, one is planning a disco and the turntable should start very quickly. “You also want to scratch if necessary, that is, move the platter yourself by hand. That works better with direct drives. ”That is why direct drives are the more popular models for everyone who works as a DJ and wants to play at celebrations or parties, for example.

Vinyl and the evil footfall noise

The installation location is important “Impact noise is an issue if you do not set up the turntable well,” says Sandra Schwarz. A suitable place would include a shelf that is attached to the wall. Then there are hardly any problems with vibrations even with more sensitive turntables.

As far as accessories are concerned, beginners should think of record care above all: “For example, a carbon fiber brush is useful to remove dust from the record before playing, a needle brush to clean the stylus or a pad to protect the turntable,” says Viktoria Gasteiger. An alternative pickup system, on the other hand, is something for advanced users.

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