Car insurance: a difference of 270 euros per year between Île-de-France and Brittany

by time news

2024-01-30 07:45:49

The average auto insurance premium is increasing slowly but surely. It reached 651 euros in 2023 according to the annual Assurland study, which we are revealing. An increase of 3.3%. Main reason for this increase: soaring repair costs. According to the SRA association (Automotive Safety and Repair), they increased by 8.42% in the first half of 2023. “All vehicles have a lot of on-board electronics,” explains Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of the comparator, to explain this swelling bill. . And electric cars are built from more expensive aluminum to be lighter. »

But not all French people are in the same boat in terms of car insurance. The differences in prices between regions are enormous. If the average annual premium paid by Bretons is only 503 euros according to Assurland, it rises to 667 euros in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 733 euros in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and even 771 euros in Île-de-France. -France. Be careful, in Paris, the premium is only 601 euros, but the average is pushed up by Seine-Saint-Denis or Val-de-Marne, where the bill exceeds 800 euros.

“There is a close correlation between car insurance prices and car theft statistics,” notes Olivier Moustacakis. Statistics from the National Interministerial Road Safety Office also show that these regions are over-represented in terms of serious non-fatal accidents.

In this context, what should motorists expect this year for their insurance premium? “The increase for 2024 should be around 3.5%,” predicts the co-founder of Assurland. Among the increase factors, we can notably cite, for new owners of electric vehicles, the increase from 100% to 75% of the special tax exemption on insurance agreements (TSCA). And another increase which will concern all motorists on January 1, 2025 since the “Cat Nat” tax rate, levied to finance the natural disaster compensation scheme, will increase from 6% to 9%.

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