Drug treatment for ADHD – Medinet

by time news

Attention Deficit Disorder is a health condition that causes difficulties in concentration, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors. People who suffer from ADHD often find it difficult to focus their attention on a single task and find it difficult to sit idle for long periods of time – a situation that significantly affects studies, work and personal life.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can occur in children and adults and is a common phenomenon, most of those who suffer from it look for drug treatment that will give them an answer and solve the problem.

What are the types of attention and concentration disorders?

ADHD can be divided into three main types, the first type is “people who have difficulty concentrating”. People with this type of ADHD have difficulty focusing on one thing, completing tasks, and following instructions. The second type is called “hyperactive and impulsive”, including difficulty sitting still and doing nothing, a tendency to interrupt other people while speaking and impatience in waiting for their turn. In people with this type of ADHD, hyperactive and impulsive behavior can be seen mainly.

The third and most common type is “a combination of difficulty concentrating and hyperactive-impulsive behavior”, people with this combined type show symptoms of difficulty concentrating and hyperactivity at the same time.

How to diagnose ADHD in adults and children

The diagnosis is made by a doctor who evaluates the symptoms of ADHD. The symptoms have to last for 6 months or more in order to diagnose the disorder, and these have to meet certain criteria necessary for the diagnosis. In addition, the doctor must also evaluate other health problems. There is no single test that can reliably diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults or children, and many times the doctor will refer the subject to further evaluations by an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder specialist and a psychiatrist.

For the diagnosis of ADHD in children, it is important to talk to the teaching staff at the school where the child attends, since schools regularly examine children in order to assess situations that may affect their academic achievements.

Today there is a lot of awareness of this common phenomenon, which encourages many parents to take their children for diagnosis. According to estimates, 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults suffer from ADHD, which are usually diagnosed in childhood.

What causes ADHD

Despite the high prevalence of ADHD, doctors and researchers are still not sure what causes the condition. tend to believe that the condition has neurological (brain) origins, as well as a genetic component. Various studies indicate that a low level of dopamine in the brain may be the cause of ADHD. Dopamine is a chemical substance known as a “neurotransmitter”, whose function, among other things, is to transmit messages between the cells in the brain and the nervous system. Dopamine plays a role in creating emotional responses and muscle activation.

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Ways of treating ADHD

The goal of ADHD treatment is to reduce the functional disorder and alleviate the symptoms, thereby improving performance and the quality of life of those affected by this phenomenon. There are several methods for treating ADHD and usually include psychological behavioral treatments, or a combination of both.

Drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

There are two main types of medication used to treat ADHD. The first type is stimulant drugs (also known as stimulants), drugs that stimulate the central nervous system are the most common treatment for ADHD. These drugs work by increasing neurotransmitters in the brain called “dopamine” and “neurepinephrine” (as mentioned, these are molecules whose role, among other things, is to transmit messages between the cells in the brain and the nervous system).

The commonly used stimulant drugs are: amphetamine-based stimulant drugs (Adderall, Vitons, Etnet) and methylphenidate-type drugs (Concerta, Ritalin). In adults and children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, these stimulants actually cause relaxation, which results in a decrease in hyperactivity and an improvement in the ability to pay attention.

The second type is non-stimulant drugs, you can consider using them when the stimulant drugs did not improve the symptoms as desired, or when they cause severe side effects. Some of these drugs work by increasing levels of neuroepinephrine in the brain, which is thought to help attention and memory. There are two types of medications: atomoxetine (Strata) and antidepressants such as nortriptyline (Pemlor).

There are other non-stimulant drugs that help ADHD sufferers – although it is not fully known how these drugs help, there is evidence that these drugs improve the activity of certain chemicals in the part of the brain involved in attention and memory. One such drug for example is a drug called clonidine which was originally intended for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Guidance and psychological behavioral therapy

The doctor is able to guide the patients to make certain lifestyle changes that can help in managing the attention and concentration disorder, such as eating a balanced and healthier diet, performing physical activity in order to channelize energies, and it is also possible to combine psychological behavioral therapy. The goal of behavioral therapy is to teach a person how to pay attention to his behavior and thus change certain behavior patterns accordingly. The psychological treatment may be a crucial component in dealing with attention and concentration disorder and helps to learn how to live with attention and concentration disorder.

Side effects of the drug treatment

The drug treatment for ADHD has side effects – the doctor and the patient together adjust the type of treatment and the correct dosage in order to reduce these effects. The more common side effects of stimulants and non-stimulants are quite similar, however they are usually more significant with the stimulants. The side effects can be: headaches, sleep problems, stomach aches, irritability and mood changes, weight loss, dry mouth, rare side effects of stimulant drugs – high blood pressure, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts/actions and rare side effects of non-stimulant drugs – Convulsions, suicidal thoughts/actions

The side effects of ADHD medications can be unpleasant and interfere with daily life. With the genetic test for the adjustment of neuropharmagen psychiatric drugs, you can adjust the drug that is most suitable for you and the right dose for you, thus preventing the possible side effects of the treatment.

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