Endured with snakes, attempting to ‘smoke out’; 13 crore house set on fire | us house burned down

by time news

Washington: There is a saying in Malayalam, ‘Run home to kill rats’. Literally something similar happened in Maryland, USA. When the homeowner’s attempt to smoke out the snakes inside the house failed, 18 million U.S. dollars was lost. The dollar (approximately Rs. 13 crore) house was set on fire. A part of the house caught fire due to the spread of fire from the smoldering coal.

The incident took place on November 23 in Maryland, USA. The fire was caused by a multi-storey house of about 10,000 square feet. The fire spread from the basement of the house and spread rapidly to other floors.

The nuisance of snakes in the house prompted the owner to try to get rid of them. A former occupant of the house was also bitten by snakes. The landlord used coal to smoke. The fire was started by flammable materials near the burning coal. A spokesman for the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service told the media that the house also caught fire.

No one was inside the house at the time of the fire. A neighbor who saw the smoke rising informed the police. After a long struggle, the fire brigade was able to put out the fire.

The damage is estimated at $ 1 million. The house was recently bought by a resident for $ 18 million. At the same time, it is not clear what happened to the snakes in the house.

content highlights: man tried to smoke out snake infestation ended up burning down the house in us


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