Forgetfulness and memory | Memories that you thought you had forgotten actually remain etched in your brain.

by time news

2023-10-22 11:00:52

Los researchers from Trinity College Dublin have addressed some questions about oblivion and memories in the study ‘Adaptive expression of engrams by retroactive interference’, published in Cell Report. These five scientists have come to the conclusion that we do not forget our memories, we simply deposit them in a place in the brain that is more inaccessible to us.

We experience everyday forgetfulnessas we go through our lives, because there is a lot going on. We are expected to learn and retain many things in order to function in modern society,” explains Tomás Ryan, del Trinity College Dublin, In an interview published in Scientific American.

Forgetting some memories is necessary to be able to store new experiences. “We may think of forgetting as a nuisance, and it often is, but it could also be a characteristic of the brain rather than a mistake. A growing body of research in neuroscience is beginning to examine the idea that forgetting forgetting is more adaptive than limiting“Ryan clarified.

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“We were able to show that in cases of retroactive interference, memories survived this type of forgetting and could be reexpressed,” added the researcher. “There was nothing wrong with those original memories, even though the mice they had not been able to remember them. Not only were the engrams there, but They were also healthy and functional“, revealed Tomás Ryan.

This process is necessary to be able to generate new memories. “The brain is different before and after of learning information. This difference is due to physical or chemical changes in the structure of the brain. We call an engram a brain change that occurs during learning and that It is necessary for memory”It is finished.

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