Halloween, Psychosis Induction Folklore

by time news

TRIBUNE – A mother pulls on the arm of a little girl about five years old to get on the train. Scene of everyday life. Except that the mother wears a headband representing a kitchen knife, crossing right through the cortex. Traces of blood seem to flow along the temples. The disguise illustrates, without a possible second reading, a macabre, extremely violent assassination. Repulsive and vulgar, for who could incorporate it into its fictional dimension, it is impossible to speculate on its effects, when it comes to the brain of a child. Passers-by seem to approve. They take a tender look at the mother-daughter couple, despite the psychological stupor of the scene. That’s the magic of Halloween, the senses open to the incorporation into a folklore from elsewhere, the most extreme forms of cruelty!

The radicalism of the demonstrations advocating the cult of death and violent homicide grows from year to year. This global phenomenon is already killing people. The bladed weapons of the grim reaper or the psychotic clown proved to be real in many European cities during the nights that go from October 31 to November 2. Cities where this totally exogenous cultural phenomenon has taken root with irrational power.

Vampire, zombie, lycanthrope, creatures inhabited by paranormal effects, schizophrenic joker, these creations of fiction, initially reserved for the register of terror films for adults, now incorporate the world of Halloween, a children’s party above all. : ” Trick or treat “. Between the assassins who have entered a cinema or a school in the United States – a country where the transformation of Halloween content from pagan celebration to carnival gore, has several lengths in advance -, all have been watered by this culture of induction to psychotic transgression.

Curiously, no sociological, criminological or anthropological study is interested in the impact of such folklore based on apologetic representations of evil, as well as of merchandising and accompanying streaming productions. The only solid parameter is based on the achievements in psychology and neuroscience on fear. The human response to terror stimuli is one of cognitive paralysis. That is, the famous “impossibility of thinking”. This culture of terror would therefore resemble a kind of consultation with a view to imbecilization and immorality, which is another way of saying it, of the species.

But there is worse than fear, it is its absence. Exposure to scenes of terror, in which scenes of homicide, rape or violent accidents are clearly depicted, necessarily leads to their normalization. The normalization of evil, including through Halloween-themed cartoons in which superlatively cruel villains are portrayed as positive characters, raises the question of the ethical training of tomorrow’s adults. What will be their idea of ​​good and evil? Especially since there are precedents. In Mexico, the culture of Death, supported by the narco soap opera or narco corridos (melody dedicated to a known narco) made criminals popular and generated more and more vocations for the sicariat.

The absence of fear has the effect, among other things, of extinguishing the alarms of survival and of the ability to process and analyze information. The 153 dead in Seoul as part of the Halloween festivities, a holiday totally foreign to the local culture, did not perceive the most obvious signs of the congestion of the place, busy as they were to summon so celebrating death. To the point of finding her.

The Gaelic festival at the origin of Halloween, or “All Hallow Eve”, is Samhain. night during which, according to legend, the gates of hell were opened, taking advantage of this sporadic triumph of darkness over light. But in the original folklore, the fear of death as a constant anthropological, is the pivot of the celebration.It is not accompanied by psychotic variations of all forms of bodily harm and other forms of insults to the physical integrity of people, specific to the accoutrements of globalized Halloween.

For two years, young people and children have been sacrificed on the altar of fear, of the hypochondria of adults during the eclipse of reason during the health crisis. It is normal that they now aspire to recover the confiscated youth units, the joy of living, of finding themselves on the streets, in the real world. It is unfortunate that this desire to live is monopolized by a psychotic culture, coming from elsewhere, even though the indicators on the mental health of children and adolescents are at their lowest.

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