by times news cr

2024-03-27 08:01:01

Focused on making a radical change for the corn agriculture in Ecuador, farmers are adopting planting methodologies with high-yield hybrids recommended by technicians, since this practice is one of the most relevant characteristics, the substantial increase in productivity.

The Agro Engineer. Fernando Rea Haimán, a corn researcher with 17 years of experience, reveals how these transformations are redefining the agricultural landscape in the country.

High Performance Hybrids and their Impact on Production:

The massive adoption of high-yield hybrids has been the strategic source that has allowed us to understand the current agricultural revolution in the country. According to Rea, these hybrids have allowed us to know the significant increase in the production parameters of the cob and grain, taking the productive potential of corn cultivation to new levels, this linked to obtaining a final product of better expression and quality. The researcher highlights that the index of grains obtained at the time of separation of the cob exceeds 85%, with only 15% destined for gopher and cob bracts.

One of the particularities that highlights the increased market presence of these genetics also lies in the complete filling of the cob, eliminating concerns about bare tips and depending largely on the planting method to guarantee excellent uniformity and filling of the cob. same, accompanied by a strategic plan for the agronomic management of the crop. The orange tone with a type of semi-crystalline grain, which is highly requested in the market, guarantees a product of excellent quality, and also facilitates marketing in a more efficient and profitable way for farmers.

Optimal Sowing Methodologies for Different Geographic Zones of Ecuador:

The constant change towards genetic materials with greater potential (hybrids) goes hand in hand with the review of planting practices and implementation in its agronomic management. Among the recommendations for the various farmers that exist in the aforementioned territory, we find that small and medium-sized farmers with a tendency to grow choose to carry out manual sowing. Rea recommends a traditional distance of 80cm between rows and 20cm between plants, obtaining five seeds per linear meter and an initial population of 62,500 seeds per hectare.

This approach has proven to be effective in provinces such as Manabí, El Oro, where more than 90% of farmers are considered smallholders who carry out manual sowing applying the aforementioned distances, using one seed per hole and finding a relative percentage that sows 80cm between rows and 40cm between plants, placing in this type of sowing two seeds per definitive site, this will depend on the farmer’s preference when implementing the sowing, considering the essential factors in it such as the cost-benefit.

In provinces such as: Los Ríos, Guayas, Santa Elena, Orellana, Sucumbíos, Manabí and El Oro where agricultural machinery is in common use, a precise calibration is suggested, the ideal speed of the tractor which should be between 5 to 6 km/hour , to guarantee a good distribution between the number of seeds established for sowing, according to Rea, he recommends between 55 to 58 seeds per 10 linear meters considered at the time of the initial evaluation, obtaining a population of 68,750 seeds per hectare, leading farmers to achieve desired yields of 8 to 10 tons of corn per hectare (dry and clean).

These strategies allow us to improve efficiency and at the same time minimize significant labor costs, this being a crucial aspect for farmers.
The approach of this document is supported by years of work at the time of establishing experimental trials, with the aim of finding new alternatives regarding the issue of spacing and seed distribution at the time of sowing.

They originate based on the recognition of the need to find a balance between genetics and soil-climatic conditions to explore and know the maximum potential of hybrids.

Fernando Rea and the technical team under his supervision have carried out work regarding the modification of sowing distances to know the behavior of the materials under certain atypical edges present at the time of sowing, using various distances, within which we detail the following :

the use of narrower fairways without increasing the number of linear seeds; and the use of double rows (30 cm and a street at 90 cm), managing to increase the initial population to 66,666 and 75,000 thousand seeds per hectare planted.

This adjustment has allowed us to demonstrate very interesting behaviors within experimental trials and semi-commercial plots, which we continue to replicate in each of the seasons to continue knowing the agronomic behavior of the hybrids, under the different parameters and conditions that occur in the season. after season.

Adaptability is one of the main keys within the proposed strategy, since Eng. Fernando Rea also cites the implementation of planting distances depending on the natural conditions of each hybrid and depending on the conditions that originate in the selected area for the establishment of the crop and thus guarantee its optimal development.

In short, these innovations in corn planting are not only changing the way this grain is grown in Ecuador, but are also providing new opportunities for sustainable, efficient and profitable agriculture.

By following these tips and paying attention to the specific needs of the corn crop, you can effectively increase the population and improve the productivity of the fields. Remember that it is crucial to adapt these planting distances to the specific conditions of each of the aforementioned areas and the recommendations of the responsible agronomist.

It is important to carry out tests and adjustments on small scales before sowing on the entire intended surface, since this will allow us to guide ourselves in determining the optimal space for the development of the crop.


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