Is there lard with or without skin: the doctors’ answer will surprise you » News from Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2023-09-19 11:23:25

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Lard is a cult product, without which it is difficult to imagine our diet. But there is a lot of controversy surrounding how harmful the skin of lard is and whether it has any benefits. In addition, despite the fact that lard is tasty and nutritious, not everyone can eat it. So, is it possible to eat lard with the skin, and who should not abuse the product – read the TSN material.

Is it possible to eat lard with the skin on?

Doctors say that ordinary lard skin contains a number of useful substances that help our body function properly. The lard peel contains:

• B vitamins, which regulate the activity of the central nervous system, are responsible for brain activity and control metabolism in the body. A lack of this vitamin can cause vitamin deficiency. The benefits of these vitamins for our body are quite obvious: they promote cell growth, improve the condition of skin and hair, regulate blood sugar levels, promote faster healing of wounds, are responsible for metabolism, prevent anemia, improve mood, and increase the body’s defenses.

• Phosphorus and calcium are critical for bone formation and growth, muscle contraction, increased energy and a strong immune system.

• Sodium and potassium. Potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system and helps maintain adequate blood pressure and muscle tone. Sodium, together with potassium, is the most important component of extracellular fluid.

• Iron. It is impossible to imagine human blood without iron, because it is an integral part of hemoglobin – a protein consisting of red blood cells that ensures the transport of oxygen through the vessels. Iron is also responsible for the detoxification processes of everything that enters our body along with food, water and air. Iron also ensures proper functioning of the endocrine system, thyroid gland, muscles and immune system.

• Vitamins PP, H, E, choline, chlorine and magnesium – these microelements are necessary for strengthening bones, joints and nails, and also ensure good skin condition. And the protein contained in the peel is very useful for those who have daily physical activity.

Who should not eat lard and its skin?

• Lard skin is a very difficult product to digest. Therefore, if you have problems with intestinal function, it is better not to use it. Doctors also do not advise eating pork skin for those who have cardiovascular disease, pancreatitis or liver disease. In other cases, if health allows, then lard skins can be introduced into your diet.

• Lard should not be consumed by children under three years of age and the elderly. Because it contains too much fat, a small child’s digestive system will not be able to cope with its digestion. And older people often have problems with the gallbladder, so they will also have difficulty digesting the product. It is better to avoid lard if you have cholecystitis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis. Because digesting fat increases the load on the pancreas and liver.

Why you shouldn’t throw away the skin of lard: cooking tricks

After consuming lard, those who do not eat the peels usually throw them in the trash. But you shouldn’t do that. Experienced housewives know what can be cooked from pork skins, so they put them in the freezer for storage. And then they are used in cooking as a separate dish or as an ingredient.

Pork rinds – recipe. If necessary, the skin should be burned over a fire, then soaked in water and cleaned. Next, use a sharp knife to separate the remaining fat, including the meat veins. Next, fill the skins with water, put on fire and cook for 2-3 hours, adding spices. When boiling, remove the foam, close the lid and reduce the heat. You can add onion and bay leaf. After the skins are cooked, let them cool, cut them into noodles or wrap them into rolls, adding garlic and ground pepper. Place the formed product under the wick and put it in the refrigerator.

For jellied meat. Tough pork skin has jelly-forming properties, making it an ideal component for jelly.

For cabbage rolls. Place pork skins at the bottom of the container where the cabbage rolls will be cooked. If you use this culinary life hack, the dish will be much tastier.

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