Middle East Braces for U.S.-Led Coalition Strikes on Houthi Positions After Defying Ultimatum – Jan. 11, 2024 Update

by time news

Title: Middle East Braces for U.S.-led Coalition Strikes on Houthi Positions

As tensions escalate in the Middle East, the region is preparing for potential U.S.-led coalition strikes on Houthi positions. This comes after the Yemeni rebel force defied an ultimatum to halt its attacks on ships transiting the Red Sea by launching a barrage of missiles and drones on Tuesday.

Maritime executives have been informed by Western diplomats that potential targets for the coalition strikes would likely include missile and drone launch sites, radars, and weapons depots around the Yemeni cities of Hodeida and Hajjah. Additionally, infrastructure in the capital city of San’a is also reportedly on the list of possible targets.

The threat of U.S.-led coalition strikes has raised concerns about further escalation and instability in the already volatile region. The situation has led to increased tensions and apprehension as countries in the Middle East and beyond brace for potential repercussions.

The developments in the Middle East have also prompted concerns about the safety and security of commercial vessels and maritime trade in the region. With the looming threat of strikes and continued Houthi aggression, there are fears about the potential impact on global trade and commerce.

As the situation continues to unfold, the international community is closely monitoring the developments in the Middle East. The potential for U.S.-led coalition strikes and the Houthi rebel forces’ defiance of ultimatums have heightened tensions and prompted fears of further destabilization in the region.

The world waits to see how this latest round of tensions in the Middle East will unfold and how it could impact global security and stability.

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