No stopping – another demonstration tomorrow against the Levy Eshkol plan in Kiryat Ono – Ono News

by time news

Moving on. After receiving a boost from the previous demonstration, the members of the Executive Committee at the “Levi Eshkol Protest” decided to step up. Tomorrow 19.11.2022 (Motash) there will be another demonstration against the outline of the National Tax Service as it is today. This time the demonstration will take place in the plaza of the Kiryat Ono mall. “We decided to go for a place a little less open and closer to the Levi Eshkol axis,” says one of the members of the organizing committee.

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What will be different about the demonstration this time?

“As part of learning lessons and talking with the residents, we realized that we need to go out and demonstrate in a place that is a little less open and more able to “interfere”. All kinds of alternatives came up, and in the end it was decided on the mall square, where we also received permission from the police. In the future, maybe it will be in other places.”

Were you satisfied with the previous demonstration?

“Definitely yes. I think a good amount of demonstrators came and it was in a really short time to organize. We received a lot of feedback on what to preserve and what to improve and I believe we will see a much more effective and active demonstration tomorrow.”

Did you receive any feedback from the city captains?

“Not in an official way. We see attempts by the municipality to drop the solutions on the residents. We explained the illogicality of not having two lanes for a private car, but now it’s history. At the previous demonstration, no politician spoke.”

What about the opposition? Do you expect cooperation from them?

“I know there are attempts by the opposition to make some kind of move, I can’t go into detail about it at the moment.”

Officials in the municipality say that in the last week there has been a relief in the harvest. your opinion?

“I felt huge traffic jams this week. The municipality has its interests, but you can see on social media the daily complaints that speak for themselves.”

300 people came to the previous demonstration, a respectable number but still why only 300?

“Some of the residents who are far from Levy Eshkol probably feel a little less what we feel at the moment. But it’s only a matter of time until it reaches all parts of the city because drivers will look for alternative routes and then everyone will wake up. You can’t blame those who don’t come, people are busy with their lives today- their day”.

Demonstration passing the net
Demonstration of moving the NTA to the right in Beloy Eshkol Kiryat Ono. Photo courtesy of the residents

What are the goals of the demonstration?

“First and foremost, stop the works immediately. Secondly, move the intersection to the right intersection and eliminate parking. Then two lanes for private vehicles will be possible. We will continue to fight with all the legitimate means at our disposal before a disaster happens and someone gets hurt.”

* Ono NEWS is not responsible for the demonstration license and the legality of the activity.

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