«oncogén» and «protooncogén» are written with an accent

by time news

2024-02-29 10:14:43

The terms oncogene y protooncogen They are written with an accent because they are acute words that end in Jan.

However, it is common to find examples in the media such as the following: “This oncogene is one of the most common genetic mutations in non-small cell lung cancer”, “Before graduating in Biology, I was already studying this oncogene” or “It is “to control the proto-oncogene responsible for stimulating the development of tumors.”

The voice oncogeneformed from the compositional element onco- (‘tumor’) and the noun gen, refers to those genes that can cause cancer to appear when they are activated, according to the academic dictionary. It is a acute word that ends in jan, so what is appropriatefollowing the accentuation rules, is to write it with an accent. Its plural is oncogenes.

The same applies for protooncogen, which refers to genes whose mutation or amplification gives rise to an oncogene. In this case, the spelling protoncogenewith a single o. Its plurals are protooncogenes y protoncogenesrespectively.

Therefore, the appropriate thing in the initial sentences would have been to write “This oncogene is one of the most common genetic mutations in non-small cell lung cancer”, “Before graduating in Biology, I was already studying this oncogene” and “It is about controlling “the proto-oncogene responsible for stimulating the development of tumors.”

#oncogén #protooncogén #written #accent

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