Pope Francis wrote resignation note in case of health impediment I gave my letter of resignation within a few days of my election as Pope

by time news


Pope Francis is revered as the leader of Catholic Christians. He celebrated his 86th birthday yesterday and has been suffering from health problems recently. He is struggling to walk due to joint problems.

In this situation, Pope Francis, who gave an interview to a Spanish media, said that within a few days of his election as the Pope in 2013, he submitted a letter of resignation citing health problems.

In this regard, he said, ‘I have already given my letter of resignation to the then Vatican Foreign Secretary Darcisio Bertone. That is, if I am unable to perform my duties due to medical reasons or other reasons, I have said that I have to accept this” he said.

Pope Francis also said he would have handed the letter to the current secretary, Pietro Barolin, since Darcisio Bertone later stepped down as Vatican foreign secretary. In a rare event in Vatican history, the previous pope, Benedict XVI, resigned. It is noteworthy that Pope Francis praised it.

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