Population for growth – Newspaper Kommersant No. 170 (7132) dated 09.21.2021

by time news

The government approved the action plan for the final stage of the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation. The seven sections of the plan define projects until 2025 in several areas – from the prevention of occupational diseases to the development of responsible parenting practices.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved a plan for the implementation of the final stage of the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025 in 2021–2025. The corresponding document was published on the government website. The very Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation was adopted back in 2007, and the last changes were made to it in 2014. The document sets long-term goals for increasing the country’s population, taking into account which in the future, specialized and related national projects and federal programs are formed. In particular, since 2008, taking into account the provisions of the concept, the national project “Health” has been operating, since 2012 – the national projects “Demography” and “Health”, since 2018 – their updated versions with the same names.

The action plan for the last stage of the concept in the current version consists of seven sections.

The first one describes the activities for popularization and promotion of “traditional family values ​​and active longevity”… Among the objectives of the section are the dissemination of responsible parenting practices, the introduction of effective measures to support children, and the enhancement of the prestige of “silver” volunteering. The Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education, the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations and the Social Insurance Fund have been appointed responsible for these tasks.

The second section of the concept plan states its purpose increase in fertility in the country. In particular, this assumes that at least 120 thousand families in the country will be able to improve their living conditions by 2024. In general, as Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova explained during a meeting in the White House, at which the plan was approved, social support measures – including various payments in connection with the birth of children – should cover at least 2.5 million families in four years. Almost all ministries will have to ensure this – from the Ministry of Labor to the Ministry of Construction.

The third section is reduction in maternal and infant mortality… According to Ms Golikova, to fulfill these goals, the government will expand the screening program during pregnancy to 36 diseases and will cover up to 80% of pregnant women by 2025. By the same date, the number of IVFs will grow up to 80 thousand procedures at the expense of compulsory medical insurance. The main executors of these tasks are the Ministry of Health, FSS, FFOMS and regional authorities.

The fourth section of the action plan is devoted to decrease in mortality and increase in life expectancy Russians – its main executor is also the Ministry of Health and its regional departments. Almost all the activities in this section are aimed at reducing the number of deaths from the two most common diseases in the Russian Federation – various types of cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Over the next four years, the Ministry of Health should conduct research on these diseases in 80 million Russians.

The fifth section of the plan describes the activities required to health promotion at work, and will be executed by the Ministry of Labor and the Social Security Fund. In particular, it assumes a decrease in the number of cases of occupational diseases in the Russian Federation, the development of their prevention in production and the expansion of medical rehabilitation programs. For this, as follows from the document, the government will have to adopt two new federal laws – obviously, to supplement the 10th section of the Labor Code, updated this year (for more details, see Kommersant of June 10).

The sixth section of the plan is devoted to maintaining the health of the older generation – mainly by launching a long-term care system that the Ministry of Labor is currently developing. So far, however, as Kommersant previously wrote, the government cannot find a source of funding for it (for more details, see Kommersant on July 2).

Finally, the last, seventh section of the plan, which will be implemented by several federal departments – from the Ministry of Finance to Rosstat, is devoted to the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle and physical education and sports… To this end, the government plans to reduce over the next five years the prevalence of tobacco consumption in the country by 26%, alcohol – to 8.5 liters, and to increase the proportion of people who regularly exercise up to 55%.

Anastasia Manuilova


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