PSOE and ZeC criticize Chueca’s budgets for “giving in to the extreme right”

by time news

2023-12-28 18:52:43

The opposition to the municipal government of the PP in the Zaragoza City Council, PSOE and ZeChave harshly criticized this Thursday the budget project presented last Wednesday by Mayor Natalia Chueca and Vox spokesperson, Julio Calvo. The socialist councilor Marta Aparicioconsidered that the accounts represent “giving in to the extreme right”, while from Zaragoza en Común, Elena Tomas He called him “reactionary.”

Natalia Chueca “It has given in to the ideology of the most rancid extreme right with assumptions of lies, mediocrity and punishment of traditional neighborhoods”Aparicio said about the accounts presented by the PP Government and supported by its “vice mayor”, Julio Calvo, spokesperson for Vox, a far-right party to which Chueca “has handed over the keys to the Zaragoza City Council for the first time in history.” ”.

Specifically, Aparicio has stressed that, once again, “Chueca has lied with premeditation and treachery, by stating that we were dealing with a budget that invested in all neighborhoods and that met the needs of Zaragoza.” The reality, he explained, is that, despite the fact that we are facing the largest budget in history in terms of income – partly thanks to the increase in transfers from the Pedro Sánchez Government -, “Incomprehensibly, these are the accounts that most harshly abandon the traditional neighborhoods of the city, especially those where citizens have fewer resources. “It’s the Robin Hood budget in reverse.”

Natalia Chueca consolidates her electoral project in her first budgets for Zaragoza

As contemplated in the draft budget of the “PP-Vox coalition government, the investment per inhabitant in Venice Park It is 190 euros; in Historic helmet 107 euros; in Universidad, 159 euros; compared to districts that barely receive investment such as Delight (1,94 euros), Saint Joseph (1,51 euros), The sources (0.05 euros) or Torrero (0 euros of investment)”. “The reality is that Chueca crudely abandons the Zaragoza residents who live in the traditional neighborhoods,” he lamented.

The socialist councilor has also denounced that The announcements made yesterday by the PP municipal government about supposed large investments already existed in the 2023 budget and some have even been repeated since 2020, year after year. For example, Aparicio has referred to the Delicias civic center, the Parque Goya civic center and Giesa, all of them with zero execution and announced several times.

ZeC criticizes opacity

For her part, the spokesperson for ZeCElena Tomassaid that the accounts presented by Chueca are “a lost opportunity.” This is a first assessment of the training, which has announced that it will carry out a detailed analysis together with social entities. “I want to remember that the budget reached us yesterday councilors at 4:00 p.m.,” said spokesperson Elena Tomás. This is, in her opinion, another example of the “opacity and the tripping of citizen participation that the PP Government maintains when it governs the institutions.”

For ZeC, The city once again faces “a fictional budget, a pure marketing strategy”, since the mayor “has sold” a budget increase, but, nevertheless, the budget has 50,000,000 less expenses than those actually executed in 2023.

The other side of Zaragoza’s budgets: The vice mayor of the right

And the total real expenses in 2023 have been 991,815,009 euros, when the Government approved a budget in which it said it would spend 895,291,170 euros, almost 100 million euros more than expected. “A Government that, despite receiving more money from the central Executive and Europe, was incapable of having its own project that improves the city and the lives of citizens”argued the ZeC spokesperson.

It is a budget, Tomás has stated, that goes in line “with the savage cuts that the right and the extreme right are carrying out in Aragon, and that once again deals a hard blow to the policies for global justicewith a new cut of 650,000 euros in cooperation projects, which is added to the more than 1.2 million cuts of the last legislature, and which is not compensated by the 100,000 euros more allocated to humanitarian emergencies.

#PSOE #ZeC #criticize #Chuecas #budgets #giving #extreme

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