the boss of american rock

by time news

2023-05-12 05:33:01

“My music embodies who I am, what values ​​I believe in, how I see the world and how I change the world. » Facing the camera, Bruce Springsteen speaks with the frankness and the concise, essential phrases that give his songs their strength. Nicknamed the “Boss” of American rock, he tells his story in this documentary made in 2016, when his memoirs were released Born to run (Albin Michel).

The kid from New Jersey, born in 1949 into a modest family, father of Irish origin and mother of Italian origin, attended Catholic school, founded a rock band and became a legend. Three hundred songs written, including his country’s anthem, Born in the USA, 130 million albums sold, thousands of concerts, without ever really stopping – it is expected on May 13 and 15 on the stage of the U Arena (Nanterre). Springsteen’s energy, which he communicates to his fans, can be read in this portrait lit by exciting archive footage.

« Born to run », son premier triomphe

The Boss claims a stoic motto, Play and shut up !(“You play and shut up!”), but confides widely. The film shows his ambition, his dogged work, and his intense musical talent. Admiring James Brown and Buddy Holly, he draws on the sources of rock to found a solid group, the E Street Band. Saxophonist Clarence Clemons, known as “Big Man”, brings an explosive sound to the album Born to runfirst triumph in 1975.

“Create a universe in my songs”that’s the goal. “People have to look at the scene and see themselves, see the reflection of who they are, their city, their friends”, says Springsteen. His dazzling charisma fascinates audiences captivated by the generosity of his gritty storytelling and empathetic ballads. “You embody the American dream and you reject it. How is it possible ? », asks a journalist. “I have not resolved this contradiction”, responds this eternal rebel.

#boss #american #rock

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