The intensity of omega is less than that of delta virus; Adviser to the President of the United States | Dynamics

by time news

Washington: Despite the rapid spread of the omega-3 virus in the United States, it is less severe than the delta virus, ” said Dr. Anthony Fowzie, the U.S. president’s medical adviser.

A variant of the Govit virus, the omicron virus, was discovered in South Africa. Countries such as the United States, European countries, and Canada have gone so far as to ban travelers from Africa.

The spread of omega in the United States has now increased to 3 states. But U.S. medical officials say the severity of the infection caused by the omega-3 virus is lower than that of the dangerous testa virus.

Dr. Anthony Fowzie, Chief Medical Adviser to US President Joe Biden, said: “More information is needed on the omega-3 virus and its severity. However, the severity of the omega-3 virus is lower than that of the delta virus in terms of initial statistics.

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But, is the intensity low? Or does it really cause any harm ?, is the risk lower compared to the delta? Or is it too risky? That should be decided after careful study.

African people are currently barred from entering the United States. These barriers will be removed soon. The embargo imposed on South Africa and other African countries would create a really difficult environment. Thus he said.



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