‘We are like those who dream’, says pastor about donations to renovation

by time news

2023-11-17 17:25:44

The fundraising campaign for the renovation and expansion of the temple of the Manaain Baptist Church, in Fortaleza (CE), is progressing surprisingly, according to the report of pastor Yago Martins. In less than ten days after the initiative became public, two thirds of the goal was achieved.

The Maanain Baptist Church is on the outskirts of the capital of Ceará, and over the last few years it has grown by 700%as reported by Yago, who credits the movement to the work of visiting, counseling and monitoring families in the surrounding area, in addition to strictly biblical preaching.

Due to this exponential growth, half of the usual attendees are left outside, watching services through a projector, instead of participating in the celebration. Some EBD classes have open-air classes, due to the lack of structure and the large number of people.

Last Tuesday, November 14th, the pastor used the channel Two Fingers of Theology on YouTube to thank the donations up to that point, which had reached R$70,000, an amount equivalent to less than a quarter of what was needed to purchase the land behind the current temple, which costs R$300,000.

“I never imagined that you would want to participate, so graciously, in this project. […] As a church, with a lot of effort, a lot of struggle, we raised around R$20,000 in the first week. The brothers with the most wealth in the church are fighting, taking saved money, a reserve, to be able to participate in this process. But then there is a bottleneck. We get a lot of money quickly, but the rest goes slower. While we raised R$20 thousand, you raised R$50 thousand. We need to raise R$300,000, and in the first week we reached R$70,000”, thanked the pastor.

Yesterday, Yago Martins opened up space for questions to his followers on Instagram, and one of them asked how the fundraising for the purchase of the land was going, and the answer was surprising: “As I was traveling and had surgery, I wasn’t able to update you as much, but we have already reached 2/3 of the goal. Church people don’t know what to do with so much gratitude. We are like someone dreaming.”

After sharing information about the fundraising of around R$200,000, another follower suggested that the campaign be maintained so that other people can also contribute to the construction of the new building, as everything indicates that the value for purchasing the land will be achieved soon: “Look, would people want to continue helping? I’ll think about it with the people”, replied Yago.

Yago Martins revealed that approximately R$200,000 was raised in less than 10 days of campaigning

#dream #pastor #donations #renovation

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