What is hay fever, a typical spring allergic disease

by time news

With the arrival of spring, there are many people who begin to suffer different allergic symptoms. Some of them can affect the respiratory tract, the eyes, the skin… When they occur together, in a picture similar to that of a cold, it is known as allergic rhinitis or ‘hay fever’.

What is hay fever?

As the American Mayo Clinic explains, allergic rhinitis is a response to the presence of certain airborne allergens, such as pollen from different plants (which is why the incidence of symptoms tends to increase markedly in spring). Other common allergens that can cause allergic rhinitis include particles of skin, hair or feathers from pets or dust mites.

As with all other allergies, allergic rhinitis is a disease related to the body’s immune system. It is caused by an exaggerated response of the latter to elements that under normal conditions would not pose a threat.

What are your symptoms?

Broadly speaking, the allergic rhinitis symptoms They are similar to those of a cold and include:

  • Runny nose.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Red and itchy eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), watery eyes.
  • sneezing.
  • Tos.
  • Itchy nose, palate, or throat.
  • Mucus running down the back of the throat (postnasal drip).
  • Bluish, inflamed skin under the eyes (allergic black eyes).
  • Extreme tiredness (fatigue), lack of sleep.

How is it treated?

There are several measures that can be taken to alleviate or minimize the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. First of all, it is important identify the allergen causing the reactionto limit exposure to it as much as possible.


Second, the over-the-counter antihistamines They are usually a good option to deal with the problem. Many patients get the best results by combining different drugs, so it may be necessary to try different options before finding the right one. If the symptoms are severe or do not subside, it may be necessary to resort to drugs prescribed by a professional.

other treatments Often used adjunctively are different forms of immunotherapy and routine saline nasal rinses.

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