When does Surya Grahan happen, when does solar eclipse happen? A unique sight will be seen in America on April 8, there will be darkness during the day – surya grahan kab hota hai solar eclipse 8 april 2024 how solar eclipse occur – 2024-03-28 00:42:55

by times news cr

2024-03-28 00:42:55
Washington: The night sky full of stars has always attracted humans. But even during the day, there is an astronomical phenomenon that has always interested humans. This event is a solar eclipse, which is extremely rare. It has importance in different traditions of the world. Solar eclipse is going to happen once again. There will be a solar eclipse on 8th April. But it will not be visible in India. The solar eclipse will be visible in Mexico, America and Canada. But what is a solar eclipse and when does a solar eclipse occur? Let us know about it. Before knowing about solar eclipse, understand the space a little. The Sun is stationary in the solar system. The Earth revolves around the Sun. The Moon revolves around the Earth and also revolves around the Sun. During this period, many times an occasion comes when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. Due to this, the light coming from the Sun to the Earth gets interrupted for some time. This is called solar eclipse. If this incident is seen from space, a huge shadow will be seen on the Earth, which will be of the Moon. There are three types of solar eclipses.

types of solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse: This is the rarest. A total solar eclipse looks extremely dramatic. In this the Moon completely covers the Sun. When the Moon completely covers the Sun, it is called totality. This takes a few minutes. It appears at different times on the path of totality. When the sun is completely covered, there is darkness for a few minutes. It is visible in very few places.

Partial solar eclipse: In a partial solar eclipse, only a part of the Moon is covered. This creates partial shadow on the earth. This type of solar eclipse is visible over a larger area than a total solar eclipse.

Annular solar eclipse: An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon does not completely cover the Sun’s disk. For this reason a ‘ring of fire’ is visible in the sky. This ‘fire’ is the light coming from the sun. During this eclipse, the Moon is away from the Earth, due to which it is not successful in covering the Sun completely.

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