“Who wants to be a millionaire?”: Jauch is amazed! A woman named Uwe | Entertainment

by time news

2024-01-09 00:20:55

A “normal” edition of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” was waiting for TV viewers on Monday evening. While chatting with Günther Jauch (67), a candidate revealed a strange nickname that her husband gave her.

Anna Kaminski from Mühldorf am Inn is the only candidate who can rank several national soccer coaches according to their term of office and ends up on the guessing stool.

But for the 500 euro question, the key account manager of a pharmaceutical company needs a joker. Jauch would like to know: “The components of granite include feldspar, quartz and…? A: Glewig, B: Glewig, C: Glimmer or D: Glewig?”

TV icon Günther Jauch

Photo: RTL/Stefan Gregorowius

The answer isn’t easy for the candidate – she uses her 50:50 joker: “I’m just stuck.” When only B and C remain, Kaminski is sure: “I’ll take C. Glimmer.” The answer is correct, and Günther Jauch follows up with a mnemonic: “Just take with you: ‘Feldspar, quartz and mica – I’ll never forget the three!’”

But he is a little surprised about the early Joker, because he was given information about his candidate in advance: “I was told that you are the craftswoman at home.”

With a look at Kaminski’s husband Martin, who is sitting in the audience, Günther Jauch asks: “What do you call your wife?” He only answers briefly: “Uwe!” He has the laughs on his side, but he also explains how it is came up with this bizarre nickname: “I’ve always been a craftsman. Namely the one who holds the vacuum cleaner. You need that too.” Jauch grins: “It’s not enough for more?”

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Apparently not – Kaminski’s husband explains further: “My father used to drill and I was the vacuum cleaner owner. I kept it that way because I discovered that Uwe, as I affectionately call her, is much more talented at the craft than I am. That’s why we agreed on it. And she accepted it very quickly.”

At the end of her guessing round, Anna Kaminski can contribute at least 16,000 euros to a family move: “We are currently looking for something bigger to live in. We’ll definitely need one or two pieces of furniture.”

Congratulations, Uwe!

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