Why is the keyboard not alphabetical? – Everyday question | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-09-25 06:49:57

“dfghjkl” – what is that supposed to be?

Have you ever wondered why the letters on computer keyboards are arranged so jumbled? We answer it.

“The QWERT order seems arbitrary, but the developers of the first computer keyboards deliberately adopted it from mechanical typewriters – so that users didn’t have to get used to it,” explains Sven Schulz, hardware expert at COMPUTER BILD.

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And there was a real problem with the first mechanical typewriters: the letters sat on long levers that could easily get caught in one another.

To ensure that this happened as rarely as possible when writing, the keys were arranged so that letters that often follow one another are as far apart as possible.

The special distribution of letters on the keyboard also makes handling the ten-finger typing system easier

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