5 Summer Fruits for Belly Fat Reduction: Al-Marsad Newspaper Reveals the Top Picks

by time news

2023-06-24 11:22:09

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutrition experts revealed 5 summer fruits that help get rid of belly fat, according to Food.Ndtv.


Fresh apples help burn belly fat, because they contain pectin fibers that break down slowly. These fibers promote a feeling of satiety.


Every 100 grams of watermelon contains 30 calories, which is a very low amount that makes it ideal for weight loss.


Peach is considered one of the summer fruits rich in dietary fiber, as one medium-sized peach contains 1.6 grams of fiber. The fiber helps the body to feel full for a long time, which protects against gluttony and reduces the chances of storing fat in the body, especially in the abdomen and waist areas.


Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties. This enzyme helps in metabolizing proteins, which leads to a decrease in belly fat.

the strawberry

100 grams of strawberries contain only 33 calories, which is a low amount of calories that makes them healthy for weight loss, in addition to containing vitamin C, which protects against fat storage in the abdomen.

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