“Cancer and dad’s lesson” – time.news

by time news

“My daughter wrote a book to survive.” While looking for his phone number and a curse escapes him, the writer Mauro Corona summarizes in a title the experience of pain experienced by Marianna. Four years ago, her daughter was 38 and learned she had colon cancer. It closed. He has secured his innate confidentiality as in a vault. He didn’t know what to do with the present. Until he looked the disease in the face. She started writing and found her own root.

The disease and the two operations

Marianna was operated on twice. He’s fine now. “The tumor had created an inner discomfort. I got out of it slowly, returning to reconsider the body that I felt distant, almost repulsive ». The body. Marianna has always seen it with the athlete’s eyes. Never with its limits. “We mountain people grow up with the teaching that we must always be tough and strong. Like the mountain. It is an imaginary that hardens. Before the illness I felt strong. A force that came to me from this paradigm. Instead I was fragile ». He had to reconstitute the paradigm. «I faced the disease on tiptoe – he says – starting from the base without looking at the top. “Never look at it as it slowly arrives” my father always told me. The man who gave me the passion for the outdoors and sport ».

The flowers

Marianna tells. The flowers among the rocks, the sheep grazing, the hens and rabbits of the grandparents, the vegetable garden, the walls to climb, the stories of the great climbers who visited his father. In the dishes, strictly wholemeal rice and spaghetti. «Those were the years of alternative cooking, the home environment was full of climbers, sport climbing was growing and they were inventing these diets. I did not appreciate. But Manolo only ate wholemeal and climbed like God. I thought: I eat wholemeal spaghetti and I want to see if I climb like him ».

The lockdown

After the operation, he began to look inside. “What does this mean in concrete terms? It is hard to walk again with the same step as before. So I stopped. I observed how a plant was made, the insects, the traces left by some passing animal. I gave back dignity to tiredness. I have regained confidence with the body ». It was around this time that a publishing house offered her to write the book. «I accepted with many doubts. I thought about giving up. It’s not for me. I didn’t know how the disease is told. Then creativity is like a leak. During the lockdown I only had a meadow and I also grazed like a sheep for two hours. My gut needed walking and I read as I walked. ” In the book there are plants, flowers, bats, marmots, fossils, the Dolomites.

Mauro Corona: books, a passion for the mountains, TV

The book “Bloom among the rocks”

“The diagnosis was devastating, pure pain, suffering. And call for help. I understood that if you are unable to tell about your suffering, you are entrenched in fear. The discomfort had led me to have anxiety crises, to feel inadequate to say: here, I’m sick and everything is over ». Imagine the idea of ​​writing a book … «Yeah. It was the last thing I wanted to do. In the family there is already someone who writes. It was enough for me … What did my father say? “I have known you more in these pages than in all my life”. He knew about the book, he asked but I remained vague ». A sigh. «But since then we have started to really communicate, because I have learned to tell him how I am through text messages. And he too talks about himself and tells me how he is. We can’t manage emotionally by voice. I am reserved, closed, but he has a prevailing personality. Better with text messages. The smartphone? He is not capable of using it ». Now Mariana says you write to survive. «I experienced it in a destructive year like 2020. Even if I won’t publish anything anymore, I will always write. It is a physical need ».

April 6, 2021 (change April 6, 2021 | 08:41)

© Time.News

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